Aarav's Story.

They stayed together inside that mandap and they started chatting.

Sai asked Aarav "how you both came to this place. Do you remember?".

Aarav said" I remember a bit of my story. Actually me and Neethi are lovers. We got engaged. Our marriage was decided by parents 6 months later. So we were dating and roaming outside to enjoy our life."

Sai said " ohh sweet story. But how you came here?".

Aarav continues his story.

" We used to go outing on Sundays in my car. We usually go for any movie. But one day Neethi asked me to go somewhere outside the city and can stay somewhere to refresh ourself.

So we asked permission from our parents and we planned for trekking and stay in tent and enjoy.

As we planned we found a mountain where trekking is allowed..

But it was a very thick forest and the mountain was on the end of the forest.

So we started our journey to walk in the forest. It had a pathway to follow. So we kept walking on the pathway. We already had our supplements. So we continued without fear.

As we kept walking suddenly we felt too thirsty. So both drank almost all water we had. So we were searching in that forest for water.

But there was no water. Again we got thirsty. But no water.

Suddenly we felt too hot and too thirsty.

The forest suddenly seems to be a desert.

That thick forest changed to desert and it's so hot.

We were confused. How the forest suddenly changed to desert or we are assuming like that.

We thought maybe because of thirst it seems to be a desert.

Neethi couldn't walk further. As it's too hot she stopped walking. She got fainted.

I tried to wake her up. But she didn't.

I don't know what's happening here and I don't know where to find water. Even I too got drain totally. We need water. I again searched my bag. Finally I got a small coke small tin bottle.

So I gave a small amount to her.

She opened her eyes and looked at me. I got relaxed now.

She asked "where are we? why we were in this desert? I am scared. ".

I somehow Console her to be calm and told her that we will find a way get out of this place.

I was just thinking how to escape.

We walked further in that desert. As we see to the end it was desert. We couldn't see anything.

Suddenly a hand from the sand came out and hold my leg. Neethi started shouting. I too got scared.

Neethi pulled me out. But no use. My leg started to bleed too much. I kicked that hand with my another leg.

Then Neethi took her backbag and she beated that hand. Finally that hand went inside that sand. Aarav got released from that hand.

Both of them got scared too much.

They got tired also. Aarav's wound was bleeding heavily. They had medical kit with them. So Neethi put bandage to his leg.

Again they started walking with fear. They were thinking what next going to happen to us. They got doubt whether we will survey or not.

Suddenly Neethi felt cold and almost she got sick of cold. The climate suddenly changed.

The desert suddenly changed to ice land. Ice flacks started to fall from sky. It was too cold.

They both got freeze to death.

They still continue walking. They were confused of sudden change. They couldn't predict the incident happening.

After few hours the climate change and that ice land converted to forest land.

Everything was normal as before.

They got scared too much and they don't know what's happening.

Their health also come to normal state.

They planned to get out of this forest. They cancelled the trekking plan and went back home.

They didn't discuss anything with their family members. Maybe they will get scared by hearing this incident. They just told that we finish our trekking already.

They both took rest in home. But they mind was really confused and unstable.

Neethi was sleeping for 2 days continuously. Her parents got scared. They asked me what happened to her and why she was sleeping like this. I really don't know what to tell them.

Then finally I told them the whole story. Both of the parents got scared and worried much about our health.

We all went to see Neethi. She was missing from her room. We searched all around her home. But we couldn't find her. They had a housemaid to wash utensils so we asked whether she saw Neethi. The housemaid told no. We don't know where she went.

Neethi's mom started to cry a lot. So my mom was consoling her. We planned to search outside. So we started to search all houses in the street. My mom called neethi's relative and friends to enquire about her. But we couldn't find her.

We don't know what to do. We also complain to police that she was missing. We did everything to find her. But no result.

Her parents was really scared. I too worried too much. I thought it was because of that trekking incident.

I suddenly got an idea. I informed my parents that I am going to search her in forest. But they didn't agreed for that. So neethi's father and my father went to check in the forest. I was giving company for my mom and neethi's mom. Neethi's mom was crying for the whole day and she got sick. So we asked her to sleep for a while.

They went to the same forest. They started searching.

They were searching for long time but couldn't find her. They got tired too. But still they hope to find Neethi.

A whole day wasted but couldn't find her. They got frustrated. Neethi's father almost started to cry. He couldn't control him. Then they just planned to call Aarav to ask whether Neethi was back. But there was no signal. They couldn't contact anybody. They got trapped in the middle of the forest and it's going to be night.

Neethi's father told Aarav's father that we can go back. It's already dark.

So turned and travelled back to home in the same path. They had a torch light so with the help of that they managed to return back home.

But inbetween they saw someone ran infront of them. Neethi's father checked with the torch light who was that. But they couldn't find anyone. Again with small fear they continued walking again someone ran infront of them. This time they really got scared.

Then suddenly from the tree some drop of blood dropped in neethi's father's hand. He got scared and looked above the tree. Then suddenly someone from the tree hanged infront of his face. It's like that person's face was full of blood and skin has got peeled. The face was not clear so they don't know who was that.

They got scared and started running from that place. They felt that someone was chasing them. They just turned back and looked who was chasing them.

They got shocked that Neethi was chasing them. But her face was full of blood and her teeth was sharp and it's was outside to bite.

She looks scary. Neethi's father stunned to see her face. He was almost started crying and shouting out of frustration.

They don't have any idea what happened to her. Why she turned like this. With lots of confusion they were running.

They don't know how to escape from this forest and how to rescue Neethi from this state.....!!!