Where to find Neethi??

After finding neethi's face her father couldn't control himself. He started to scream.

That face was too scared to see. Aarav's father comforts him to be calm so that we can think about the solution.

They were running further to escape from this forest. Neethi's father couldn't run further. He stopped in between. He asked Aarav's father can we go back and check for Neethi again. I really want to check her once again. If that face we looked was Neethi means is she dead already?? or it's just an illusion??.

Anyway, Aarav's father was not completely agreed to that idea. But he said okay with the half mind. So they went back to check in the same place. But they couldn't find anyone. Not even a trace of blood was found.

They got shocked. And they finally came to the conclusion that something was wrong in this place. So they both decided to leave this forest. So they ran as fast as they can.

They almost reached the entrance of the forest. Then Aarav's father got a message from Aarav that Neethi reached home.

Aarav's father saw that message and he was happy that his daughter was back. He informed neethi's father about her daughter that she reached home. But both were still in a commotion that whom they met inside the forest.

So neethi's father asked Aarav's father, "so Neethi didn't die right?. But whom we met in the forest? I am confused?. Which is true?".

Aarav's father said, " I am also not sure. We first go home and check once. Then we can confirm. Whatever took place in the forest we should not let them know. Otherwise, they will get scared."

They both reached home finally.

They asked for Neethi to Aarav did she reached home. But Aarav told not yet. Aarav's father got confused. He asked Aarav, " I just now received a message from you that Neethi reached home. Why did you send me a message like that if she didn't come".

Aarav also confused. He answered back to his father, " No father I didn't message you. Check my phone if you want".

Then his father checked aarav's mobile. But he didn't send any message like that.

Aarav's father took his mobile to check for the message. It was erased.

He was stunned to see. Neethi's father also confirmed that he too saw the message.

All are in commotion. They sense that something suspicious was going on.

Then Aarav asked did you find Neethi in the forest. Aarav's father told, " No we didn't found her".

Now they don't know where to find Neethi. Suddenly a sound came from neethi's room.

Everybody went to neethi's room.

Aarav opened her room slowly. Once he opened her sound stops. All went inside the room to check for Neethi but she was not there.

Again the same sound came from the wall. The sound seems to be like she was sobbing.

Aarav kept his ears on the wall to hear the sound.

As he kept his ears on the wall, then suddenly a big bang sound came from the wall.

It's like someone knocking on the wall.

We got shocked much. We thought that maybe Neethi was caught somewhere else.

Aarav's father and neethi's father together started to crack at the wall to check.

After a few hours, they cracked the wall. But Neethi was not there.

They were confused. Again same sound came from all sides of the wall.

There got scared. They don't know what to do.

But from one side of the wall, a face structure inscribed from the wall. That face looks like neethi's face.

By looking that all got terrified. They finally went to church to ask about this occurrence.

In the church, they talked to the priest. Neethi's father explained everything that happened to the priest.

Then the priest said, " can I come to the home to check". He said, " Yes priest".

All went home to check. That face structure was still in that wall.

He silently prayed and with his mind Power, he told, " I think your daughter was imprisoned somewhere so only you couldn't find her. Only her soul was promoting us to find her. We have to find her first".

Neethi's father asked, " How to find her?. Where is she now?."

The priest replied, " In the forest".

Neethi's father and aarav's father told the priest about the incident that happened in the forest.

Aarav also told the priest which happened in the forest.

Then the priest sat in her room and prayed.

He asked everybody to leave her room except Aarav.

Then the priest said Aarav, " While both returning from the forest did you see any person or any man passed over. "

He replied, " No, but some unusual occurrences happen while we were walking in the forest. "

He explained everything to the priest.

The priest told, " I think some spirit is following you both in the forest. So that spirit is trying to tell something to you. So that truth you have to find otherwise that spirit won't leave you alive.

We both will go to the forest now to find Neethi."

Both went to the forest together.