Down The Rabbit Hole

The Wind Chasing Tiger came out of the tree line and into the clearing. The heavy rainfall did not dull the Wind Chasing Tiger's senses at all. It had locked on to Ah Chun from the very beginning. The cold wet rain dripped from Ah Chun's soaked hair and rolled down her face. Ah Chun's eyes were open wide in fear. She walked backwards towards the ancient tree behind her. Each step was heavy and made a sloshing sound. The Wind Chasing Tiger in front of Ah Chun did not attack her right away. It seemed to be reveling in the fear that was emitted from Ah Chun's body. It let out a low growl as it watched Ah Chun slowly backing away from it.

Right as Ah Chun was two steps away from the ancient tree, the Wind Chasing Tiger leapt at her. Seeing this Ah Chun instinctually dodge backward but lost her footing on the rain-soaked ground. She fell down at the base of the tree but to her surprise, the ground was not solid and she fell into a deep hole. Which sent her tumbling down. The hole's entrance was not that big, just a bit bigger than Ah Chun. The Wind Chasing Tiger with its huge body was not able to enter the hole. It could only roar out in anger after losing its prey.

About two meters down the hole opened up more which enabled Ah Chun to straighten her body out as she slid deeper underground. Roots and rocks tore her clothes and battered her body even more. Mud caked to her skin as she kept on sliding down the hole. She slid down for almost ten minutes before she finally saw a dim light at the end of the tunnel. Ah Chun let out a sigh of relief as she saw the end of the tunnel up ahead. That was until she was shot out into mid-air with nothing but an impenetrable black abyss below her.

"AHHH!" Ah Chun screamed out as she hung in the air for a second before falling straight down.

As she descended Ah Chun felt that after a few minutes that her rate of falling slowed by a lot, almost as if she was a leaf in the wind, slowly but surely making it to the ground below. She could see a faint light coming from below as she got closer. Ah Chun also felt a faint force wrapping around her. She had never felt anything like it before. It felt warm yet comfortable. She looked closely at her skin and could see a faint light permeating from it. The mud started to lift from her skin and even the cuts and scratches she got from running through the forest and falling down the hole, were starting to heal at a speed visible to the eye.

"What is this? It's amazing!" Even though Ah Chun was still suspended in the air. She couldn't help but be amazed at what she was seeing.

Ah Chun floated down and was hovering over a small pond that had a blue glow to it. It lit up the area around her to show an expansive underground cavern. There seemed to be small glowing rocks that were embedded into the cavern walls. On the sides of the small pond, she could see groups of mushrooms and other plants growing. To Ah Chun, it was a majestic sight.

" Little one how did you get here?" Ah Chun heard a soft gentle voice of a young woman in her head.

"I fell into a hole while being chased by a Wind Chasing Tiger." Ah Chun was surprised to hear the voice in her head, but she still answered the question.

"Little one is lucky then. More so since you came to where I rest. I checked little one's body and your spiritual roots are something people could only dream about. You have Heaven Divine Spiritual Roots. It is a rare type of spiritual root only seen once every one million years. So I have a question to ask you little one. Would you like to learn to cultivate?" The young woman's gentle voice in Ah Chun's head spoke softly.

Ah Chun had a bunch of questions but when she heard the voice ask if she wanted to learn to cultivate she couldn't help but be excited. Her dream has always been to learn to cultivate so she could be stronger.

"Yes! Yes! I do want to learn!" Ah Chun answered excitedly.

"Good answer little one! I will bring you to where I rest." After the gentle voice of the young woman finished speaking. Ah Chun was pulled through the air towards an opening in the cavern wall.

Ah Chun floated down a small passageway until she reached a room with blue flickering flames adorning the walls. A young woman in a pure white dress was standing in the middle of the room looking at Ah Chun with a smile on her face. Her long black hair reached down to her waist and her black colored eyes seemed as if she was looking right through you, down to the depths of your soul. She gracefully walked towards Ah Chun as Ah Chun had finally planted her little feet onto the ground. To Ah Chun, this woman was breathtakingly beautiful. She looked like a goddess who had just descended from heaven. She looked no more than twenty years of age. But the aura she gave off seemed as if she was wise beyond her years. Ah Chun could not help but stare at her with a look of awe on her face.