Taking On A Master

"Little one what is your name?" The young woman asked.

"It-It's Ah Chun miss." Hearing the question from the young woman in front of her Ah Chun snapped back to reality and forced an answer from her lips.

"Ah Chun is a fitting name for you. It means little one born in spring. Mmmm… very fitting indeed." The young woman smiled and let out a soft laugh.

"Ah Chun my name is Mei Liling. Are you willing to learn cultivation under me and take me as your master?" Mei Liling smiled at Ah Chun as she asked her question.

"Yes! I Ah Chun pays respects to master!" Without any hesitation, in her voice, Ah Chun drooped down to her knees and kowtowed three times to Mei Liling.

Ah Chun could not hide the smile on her face. At the same time, she could not help but tear up as well. On top of being able to learn how to cultivate she would also have a master who was like a second mother as well. This was something she would never have dreamed of. It was at this instance that she decided to work hard in order to make her master proud of her.

"Mmm… You are a good girl. But I must ask why did you so readily accept me as your master?" Mei Liling was not angry by her quick acceptance but more surprised than anything.

"Well… It- It has always been my dream to learn to cultivate and with my mother passing away six months ago, I have been alone since then. I once heard that a master for a day is a father for a lifetime. I figured it would be the same just a mother for a lifetime instead of a father for a lifetime..." Somewhat scared that she was being tested Ah Chun told her new master what she was thinking truthfully. Ah Chun's voice had trailed off at the end but Mei Liling still heard her.

"A mother for a lifetime… Mmmm that is right! To have such a cute daughter as my disciple I couldn't be more pleased! As long as I am around you will not be alone Chun'er." Mei Liling really liked Ah Chun.

The little girl's words really touched her heart. She couldn't help but pull Ah Chun into her embrace and give her a hug while petting her head. Ah Chun felt the warmth of the hug from her master and could not stop the tears from welling up into her eyes and started to cry. It had been many months since she felt this kind of warmth. Her tears started to rain down uncontrollably. Mei Linling patted Ah Chun's back and let her cry as much as she wanted.

"From this day forward you are now my daughter and also my disciple. You can either call me mother or master either or is fine. I will teach you everything you need to know about cultivation. But first, we need to open your meridians and reforge your bones. The cultivation I am going to teach you differs from what most martial practitioners of this world practice. These martial practitioners cultivate their Inner Qi to be a Martial Warrior where the highest they will ever reach is rank nine Martial Warrior. But with that said there are many sects in this world that do practice what I will be teaching you. What I will be teaching you, is how to cultivate your Spiritual Qi.

Cultivating Spiritual Qi differs in the way that it is cultivating to become an immortal which can lead to a never-ending life span. While cultivating Inner Qi will somewhat extend a person's lifespan and enhance their strength, but in the end, they will still grow old and die and the strength that they can cultivate to is a lot lower. Just a stage two Qi Gathering realm cultivator is equal to a fifth stage Martial Warrior. And it takes less time than reach this stage whereas a normal martial practitioner would take a long time to reach stage two Martial Warrior.

But that's only assuming the person with average Spiritual Roots is the one cultivating to reach stage two Qi Gathering realm. With your Spiritual Roots, you can do this in a very short time. It does come at a cost though. The process to open your meridians and reforge your bones is very painful. But once it's done you will be able to start cultivating to become an immortal. Are you still willing to go through it?" Mei Liling had a serious expression on her face as she asked Ah Chun this question.

Hearing her master's words stunned Ah Chun. She never thought there was such a thing as cultivating to become an immortal. Ah Chun's heart was palpitating from excitement. She did not care how painful it would be, she just wanted to be strong so that she could survive easier in this harsh world. To be able to cultivate to become an immortal was beyond her wildest dreams!

"Yes, Ma… Mother, Chun'er is willing. No matter how painful it will be Chun'er will endure!" Ah Chun wiped the tears from her eyes and answered with determination.

After accepting Mei Liling as her master and learning that she could call Mei Liling mother. Ah Chun changed the way she called Mei Liling and herself as well. Ah Chun was very happy to have a new mother. She never thought her life and death run-in with the Wind Chasing Tiger would bring her to her new mother. If this was not fate then what was? Ah Chun was very happy that she had decided to go deeper into the forest this day.

Hearing the words mother coming from Ah Chun's mouth sparked a bit of warmth in Mei Liling's heart. As an immortal cultivator, you are bound to live a lonely life. Being an Immortal Cultivator was the same as putting your life on the line every second of the day. It was very hard to trust other Immortal Cultivators since the competition for resources was very high. Many deaths happen every day. But it was different with a disciple. They were picked by you. So it was your own bad judgment if your disciple turned a blade to your throat.

But Ah Chun was different. To Mei Liling, Ah Chun was a very filial girl. Ah Chun showed this by how she told her the truth in why she accepted Mei Liling as her master. Not just a master but also a mother. Now that Mei Liling has a new daughter that will be learning to cultivate immortality. Her lonely existence will not be so lonely anymore. A smile spread across her face as she thought of this.

"Since Chun'er is willing, then Mother will not say anything else. For the next two weeks, we will stay here in this cavern. The Spirit Spring here will help with opening your meridians and the bone reforging process. This process will normally only take a few hours if done the regular way. But this time it might take an entire day... After that Mother will teach you how to cultivate. Normally one would need to start off with Qi Perception to grasp how to perceive the worlds Spiritual Qi. But that can be bypassed with Mother's help. Mother wants you to reach Stage Three Qi Gathering before the end of the two weeks or even higher if you can. Then we will leave this place and go back to your home." Mei Liling really enjoyed calling herself mother.

"Un! Chun'er will work hard!" Ah Chun clenched her fist and determinedly nodded to Mei Liling.

"Good!" Seeing Ah Chun's determination. Mei Liling could not be any happier.

"Ok then follow me. We will go to the spirit spring now. " Mei Liling grabbed Ah Chun's little hand and led her down the cavern passage to the Spirit Spring.