Opening Meridians and Reforging Bones

Going from the room they were in to the Spirit Spring took almost five minutes. Ah Chun did not realize it was this far of a walk. When she had first floated into the room, it only took about a minute. So she was surprised to know it was further than she thought. When they got to the Spirit Spring Ah Chun finally got a better look at the so-called glowing pond she saw when she first arrived. The Spirit Spring glowed a faint blue with swirls of mist-like energy swirling above the surface of the spring. It seemed even more majestic than when she first saw it.

"Ok Chun'er, Mother will send a sensation into your mind to allow you to perceive the Spiritual Qi around you." After speaking Mei Liling sent her Divine Sense into Ah Chun's mind. Allowing Mei Liling's mind to transmit the sensation of feeling the world's Spiritual Qi throughout Ah Chun's body.

"Chun'er feels a warm sensation around her. It seems to be white specks floating in the air almost like snow..." Ah Chun had her eyes closed as she was relaying what she felt to Mei Liling who was preparing some items on the side of the Spirit Spring.

"Chun'er, you can already sense it to that extreme!?" Mei Liling was speechless. Normally even if the perception of Spiritual Qi was implanted into one's head they would only be able to perceive a strand of it in the air. But this new daughter of her's was able to perceive Spiritual Qi to such an extent only minutes after receiving her perception!

"Un! It's like snow!" Ah Chun opened her eyes and smiled innocently. Mei Liling saw that smile and her heart just melted she sighed and shook her head. Thinking to herself:' This new daughter of her's is going to be amazing one day.'

"Ok Chun'er take this pill here it will help with the pain. Mother will also use her Spiritual Power to try to numb out as much of the pain as possible. When one goes through the process of opening the meridians and bone reforging it is very beneficial to their future cultivation but it's also one of the most painful experiences a cultivator has to go through."

"Its ok Mother, Chun'er will do her best." Ah Chun took the pill and smiled at Mei Liling to try show she would be ok.

"Then, Chun'er take off your clothes and come sit in a lotus position inside the Spirit Spring. As Mother sends Spiritual Power into your body, Mother needs Chun'er to concentrate and feel the flow as Mother circulates it through Chun'er's meridians. Normally this process will take only a few hours but we are not using pills to accomplish such weak results. This Spirit Spring will be used as the catalyst. Which will bring ten times better results when we are through. During this process, the impurities in Chun'er's body will be expelled as a black sticky substance. The more that is expelled the better the results." After listening to Mei Liling's explanation, Ah Chun removed her tattered clothes and slowly entered the Spirit Spring.

Ah Chun could feel the warmth of the Spirit Spring against her body and it felt very comfortable to her. She slowly sat down into a lotus position and waited for Mei Liling to tell her what to do next. Even though Ah Chun had the determination she was still very nervous. She did not like pain but she knew she had to bear with it in order to complete the task that Mei Liling has set for her.

"Then Mother will start then. Chun'er clear your mind and concentrate on the flow within your body. Mother will do her best to ease the pain for Chun'er." Mei Liling waited until she was sure that Ah Chun was in a meditative state before placing her hand on Ah Chun's dantian.

Mei Liling slowly poured her Spiritual Power into Ah Chun's dantian. While also directing the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Spring into Ah Chun's body at the same time. Ah Chun felt a foreign force invading into her body. At first, it felt like a warm comfortable sensation under her belly button but that only lasted for a few seconds. A sudden burst of pain shot through her body as the Spiritual Qi was forcefully opening Ah Chun's meridians. But that was just the start of the pain. After a while, it started to feel like her bones where being eaten by ants from the inside out.

The pain was sudden and so bad that Ah Chun almost passed out right away. But she remembered what Mei Liling said and clenched her fist digging her nails into her skin until it started to bleed. She gritted her teeth and knitted her brows doing her best to endure the pain.

"Ahh!" Ah Chun could not help but let out a small cry of pain.

After hearing Ah Chun cry out in pain and seeing the tears rolling down her cheeks. Mei Liling felt her heart breaking. She knew how painful this would be. She had gone through it herself. But she was a lot older when she had to be put through this process. Mei Liling was already doing her best to try to numb Ah Chun's senses. But no matter what it was just not enough.

The opening of the meridians and reforging of the bones was a very long process as it took a large amount of Spiritual Qi to complete. Opening of the meridians consisted of, first purging out the impurities. Then widening them by pushing large amounts of Spiritual Qi through them in order to temper and strengthen them at the same time during the widening process. This will help an immortal cultivator take in Spiritual Qi quicker and speed up a cultivator's cultivation time by leaps and bounds.

Bone reforging was not only beneficial to speeding up a cultivator's cultivation but also made a cultivator ten times as strong as they were before. Normally during these two processes, a cultivator would take pills in order to initiate this stage. But Mei Liling was using the Spiritual Spring as a catalyst along with her own Spiritual Power. Which meant that Ah Chun was going through the same process tens of times over. If not for Mei Liling numbing ninety percent of the pain. Ah Chun would not have survived the torture of this process. Ah Chun only felt the pain one would normally feel instead of having to endure the pain of the process repeating itself tens of times over.