Remember The Basics!

It's been six months now and today was like any other day. Ah Chun was in the courtyard having a sparring match with Mei Liling. With Mei Liling making pills to heal Ah Chun's wounds and pills for replenishing her Spirit Power. These matches lasted for half a day before they would stop. But today Ah Chun had finally gotten used to the pressure on her body so she wanted to attempt to start learning the Dancing Lotus technique.

Mei Liling struck out with her sword aiming at Ah Chun's chest. Ah Chun did not try to block the sword-like she normally would. Instead, Ah Chun was trying to feel the force from the sword. Heavenly Divine Lotus cultivation method said that when trying to use soft to go against hard you had to allow the force that is coming at you before using it to dodge the attack.

As the sword came closer to Ah Chun's chest, Ah Chun actually closed her eyes trying to feel her surroundings. Ah Chun could feel the pressure of the sword coming at her. But right as it was about to hit her it suddenly stopped and she felt pain on top of her head instead.

"Chun'er are you trying to give your Mother a heart attack why are you not blocking!?" Mei Liling had stopped her attack when she realized Ah Chun was not going to block her attack and smacked her on the head with the sword instead.

"Ow! Mother Chun'er was trying to use Dancing Lotus!" Ah Chun was rubbing her little head which now had a small bump on it. She was pouting from getting hit in the head for no reason.

"Oh… Well, Chun'er you are not allowed to practice Dancing Lotus right now. Chun'er, you need to make sure that you have a full grasp on all the basics before you start learning techniques!." Mei Liling kissed the spot she hit on top of Ah Chun's head. Hearing Mei Liling's words Ah Chun couldn't help but put on a pouty face.

"Remember basics first before anything else." Mei Liling saw Ah Chun's pouty face so she squeezed Ah Chun's cheeks till they were red.

"Ok enough rest let's continue!" Mei Liling shouted.

This continued on for another six more months. Ah Chun was now seven years old and at this moment she was running through the house on her way to the main hall. For one year Ah Chun has been living under the pressure of someone from the Dao Root realm but not only that right now Ah Chun was running around happily under the spirit pressure of a Dao Root realm and with two roots at that like it was the natural thing to do! This is a very hard and unheard-of feat for people of lower cultivations.

"Mother you called!?" Ah Chun entered the main hall to see her mother sitting in the main chair with her legs crossed.

"Mmm… Mother has been very proud of Chun'er this past year. Chun'er has worked very hard. Chun'er skills right now surpass that of anyone within three stages of you. So Mother has decided it was time for Chun'er to form her Qi Sea. After Chun'er forms her Qi Sea, Mother will be sending you out to the inner forest for real combat experience. So that you can learn by putting your life on the line. Someone in the first stage of Qi Sea realm will be able to fight up to rank six demonic beasts. Chun'er will stay in the forest for six months. Once the six-month time limit is up Mother will come get Chun'er." Mei Liling looked at Ah Chun who was about to tear up and felt her heart starting to waver. Mei Liling did not want to part with Ah Chun for so long but this was necessary for Ah Chun's growth. Mei Liling got up and quickly gave Ah Chun a hug.

"Chun'er, Mother will not go anywhere. Mother needs Chun'er to do this for your own growth. There will be many times in the future where Chun'er will need to do these same things. At that point, it might not just be months but maybe even years to tens of years that we are separated for. It's part of being an immortal. Immortals can not just stay at home, they have to go out and explore the world." Breaking away from her Ah Chun Mei Liling pulled out a shiny black stone.

"This is a transmission stone it will allow Chun'er to talk with Mother when Chun'er feels lonely. Just pour a bit of your Spirit Power into it to activate it." Mei Liling was very glad she had this in her interspatial ring. She did not like the idea of separating for so long from Ah Chun. For the past year, she has become quite accustomed to having Ah Chun around and it will be lonely if Ah Chun is not around.

"Un! Chun'er will work hard. Chun'er is sorry… Chun'er did not mean to cry. Chun'er will get stronger!" Ah Chun gave Mei Liling a hug back.

"Silly girl why are you sorry, it's normal for girls your age to be sad when parting with their mothers. That has nothing to do with being strong or not." Mei Liling kissed Ah Chun's forehead.

"Now come here. Mother has a few things for you to stick in your ring" Mei Liling walked over to the table next to her chair and pointed to the stuff on top of it.

On top of the table were four types of pills. Blood Clotting pills, White Lotus Pills, Qi Replenishing pills, and Detox Pills. But what surprised Ah Chun was that there were over one hundred porcelain bottles of each and each porcelain bottle contained twenty pills! Ah Chun could tell Mei Liling was very worried about her. Along with the pills was a stack of bandages, multiple sets of clothes, soaps, towels, and other necessities. There were enough things here that it could last a person two years.