Qi Sea Formation!

Ah Chun put all the items into her ring before turning to her mother saying. "Chun'er will go into closed-door cultivation then and try to form my Qi Sea." Ah Chun gave Mei Liling one more hug before running off to the bedroom to start cultivating.

Ah Chun sat down on the bed in a lotus position and sunk her Divine Sense into her dantian. Over the past year, Ah Chun has been condensing spiritual power when she cultivated over and over. Normally by now, she should have already formed her Qi Sea. The reason why she had not was because Mei Liling told her she was not allowed to advance until she had a solid foundation. Mei Liling at that time did not realize that Ah Chun kept condensing her Spiritual Qi since then. This was something that Ah Chun unconsciously did. So right now Ah Chun's condensed Spiritual Qi was almost the same size as her dantian.

Mei Liling had told Ah Chun that in order to form a Qi Sea she would need to liquefy the condensed Spiritual Qi. Ah Chun circulated the Heavens Divine Lotus cultivation method in her body. She started to draw in the Spiritual Qi from all around her. If one were to look at Ah Chun right now they would see whirlpool of Spiritual Qi rotating around her body. All of the Spiritual Qi within five hundred meters of Ah Chun was now condensed into the whirlpool that was surrounding her.

Mei Liling felt the Spiritual Qi fluctuations and went to the bedroom to peek in. When she saw what was going on she couldn't help but shake her head and show a bitter smile as she thought. 'This girl will end up bringing waves when she reaches the Sect. Her talent is too astonishing.'

Ah Chun continued to draw in Spiritual Qi from around her now all the Spiritual within a thousand meters was swirling around her. When Ah Chun felt she had finally drawn enough Spiritual Qi she slowly sucked it into her body and circulated it using the Heavens Divine Lotus cultivation method. The Spiritual Qi was flooding in like a river through her meridians all the way back to her dantian.

Once it reached the dantian the Spiritual Qi would swirl around the mass of condensed Spiritual Qi at a high speed. This was causing the condensed Spiritual Qi to grow hot. As it got hotter and hotter it finally started to liquify as a drop of Spiritual Qi dropped to the bottom of Ah Chun's dantian. Just this one drop sent out waves back through Ah Chun's body. With each ripple, it would nourish her meridians, bones, and muscles all the way down to her cells. Her skin became even softer and refined as polished jade. Her muscles became stronger and more compact. Her bones started to change color, from a white to a light blue. Even her meridians were widening. On top of all that, her dantian started to expand.

Ah Chun could feel the changes within her body and she could not help but feel excited. She could feel herself getting stronger just from one drop of the condensed Spiritual QI. She continued to circulate the Spiritual Qi in her dantian over and over again. Soon a puddle had formed then a lake. Not long after a sea formed but the drops of Spiritual Qi kept coming.

Two days had passed when Ah Chun slowly opened her eyes. Streaks of light could be seen in the depth of her eyes. The whirlpool of Spiritual Qi that was swirling around Ah Chun dissipated. As she stretched her bones crackled. Ah Chun sent her divine sense into her dantian and was shocked to see what was supposed to be a sea was now a vast ocean. She quickly got up and ran out of the room.

"Mother!" Ah Chun charged into the alchemy room slamming the door against the wall with a bang.

The door flew off its hinges and went flying through the wall. Mei Liling who was arranging herbs stopped what she was doing and stared at the new hole in the wall. The door had actually slammed through the outer walls of the house and landed in the front courtyard. Mei Liling saw this and could not help but laugh and shake her head.

"Chun'er congratulations on your breakthrough! But Chun'er, you did not stabilize your cultivation or give yourself time to adjust to your new strength. Silly girl what am I going to do with you." Mei Liling got up and walked over to Ah Chun who had a guilty look on her face.

"Let Mother take a look at your dantian." Mei Liling placed her hand on Ah Chun's head ruffling her hair.

Ah Chun stood there while Mei Liling used her Divine Sense to inspect Ah Chun's dantian. What Mei Liling saw was the normal dark space of a Qi Sea realm cultivator but what she did not expect was a vast ocean within Ah Chun's dantian. It seemed to be endless even a normal Qi Sea would have some signs of an end but Ah Chun's Qi Sea was more of an endless ocean, vast and deep.