Admissions Test Part Four

All of a sudden the killing intent released and when the Old Man looked up, he saw a woman in a white dress with her hand on the little girl's shoulder. When he recognized who it was he was seething with anger! The one who put him in this situation in the first place was none other than the woman in the white dress!

"Elder Mei what have you been teaching this girl?!" The Old Man was so angry that he was ready to spit blood. He had lost so much face in front of so many people today!

"Sorry, sorry! I forgot to tell my daughter not to kill anyone. Elder Wan please do not take it to heart. Chun'er is still young." Mei Liling let out a low laugh and smiled at Elder Wan.

"Mother this grandpa is a pervert he was giving Chun'er dirty looks with that pervert man over there." Ah Chun pointed at the outer sect disciple who was the first to experience her killing intent.

"Now Chun'er this is not their fault you are just too cute. Even I have to resist pinching your cheeks all the time! " Mei Liling was trying her best to hold back her laughter.

"Pfft!" The thought of her daughter calling Elder Wan a pervert was too much, she could not help but burst out laughing. She was laughing so hard her stomach started to hurt! Elder Wan was very uptight and cared more about his face than any of the other elders. And today he had lost all his face in front of so many people due to her daughter this was just too funny to Mei Liling.

"Anyways Mother why did you stop me from killing the bad person. He even tried to get me to follow him. It's a good thing I realized that the old grandpa was a pervert. I knew he was once he tried to defend the other pervert. I wonder how many more little girls he has lured away. He even gave me a creepy smile." Ah Chun kept going on and on, on how Elder Wan was some major pervert who liked little girls.

On the side, the people who had recovered from Ah Chun's killing intent burst out laughing. Mei Liling was now kneeling on the ground laughing holding her stomach. She was laughing so hard her face was beet red. The person who was the butt of the joke face was beet red from anger. He was grinding his teeth to the point that it could be heard a long-distance away. He wished this little bastard would shut up. He was losing face with every word she said!

"Mother are you listening!?" Ah Chun started to pout because she felt Mei Liling was ignoring her.

Hearing Ah Chun's words caused Mei Liling to stop laughing. She realized that she had been ignoring her daughter that was talking to her. Feeling a bit ashamed Mei Liling stood up and brushed the dirt off her dress and took Ah Chun's hand.

"Let's go take the tests Chun'er. Mother will supervise. There is no need to deal with these perverts..." Ignoring the Elder Wan's twisted face she then waved her hand to a young man who was an outer sect disciple and had him proceed with the first test.

The first test consisted of testing spiritual roots. This test was done by using a small array that was placed on the ground to bring out an image of your spiritual root that connected your dantian to your meridians. Stepping into the array would project the Spiritual Root in front of the cultivator allowing others to tell what kind of spiritual root one had.

Ah Chun was a bit surprised when she saw her spiritual root. Many people around her exclaimed in surprise as well. To Ah Chun she already knew what kind of spiritual root she had so it was no big deal to her nor did she care. But the people around here seemed to be really amazed. Ah Chun's Heaven Divine Spiritual Roots was very rare.

"Wow amazing that little girl has Heaven Divine Spiritual Roots!"

"Such a young genius!"

"She so cute to makes me want to pinch her cheeks!"

It had been almost a million years since the last known Heaven Divine Spiritual Root was seen. Mei Liling who was standing on the side was very proud of her daughter. She noticed how aloof Ah Chun was being even after so many people were praising her. Ah Chun was standing to the side with her arms crossed over her chest staring at the outer sect disciple who was in charge of her testing. This seemed to Mei Liling that she did not let things get to her head. Ah Chun was being very composed indeed. Mei Liling nodded her head in approval.

"Can we get on with the testing this is getting boring and I need to cultivate." Ah Chun said with a bit of impatience written all over her face.

Mei Liling did not know whether to laugh or cry when she heard her daughter speak. She had just praised Ah Chun for being so composed just a few seconds ago, but in fact, Ah Chun was being impatient to go cultivate! MeI Liling was glad she did not say any of her thoughts out loud. Otherwise, she would have slapped herself in the face!