Admissions Test Part Five

The next test was a test of spiritual power. Like the spiritual roots test this test also used an array. This array would change colors based on the amount of spiritual power you had and would produce spirit power based on your current cultivation and would multiply it by ten. This would, in turn, give an estimation of how powerful you would be in years to come. Now, this was just an estimation of what one's potential would be when they grew more in their cultivation. The grading was set from red which was the lowest, to orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, and black. While all but purple and black are commonly seen black was essentially seen as The strongest spirit power. Meaning people who had black spiritual power were meant to stand at the apex of humanity.

As before Ah Chun walked to the middle of the array, once she stood in the center of the array it was activated. But the bright lights that were supposed to appear did not. The people who were in line looked at Ah Chun with pity in their eyes. To have no light emit from the array meant her spiritual power was so weak it could not be detected by the array. Meaning she was basically trash among cultivators.

"Such a pity! She has heaven defying spiritual roots but her spiritual power is so low it can't even be registered. "

"She's so young but she is no different than a commoner."

"I don't care if she is trash, she is too cute! I want to take her home so I can pinch her cheeks!"

As the crowd started to gossip the ground started to shake. At first, it was very minimal then it started to shake violently. The shaking was not coming from the earth itself but from the array, Ah Chun was standing in. Without warning a bright golden light emanated from the array blinding all the cultivators present. Even Mei Liling was almost blinded when the bright light came out of nowhere.

Mei Liling had never seen such a color come from the spirit power testing array before. In all the records that the Heavenly Sword Sect has there has never been a mention of golden spirit power before. Mei Liling kept pondering for a moment before she realized something was wrong.

The ground started to shake even more violently than it was before as cracks could be seen forming in the ground. The spirit power that was supposed to be contained in the array, started undulating waves of spirit power outwards with Ah Chun as its center. The undulating waves of spirit power hit the cultivators that were near the array causing them to all fall to the ground prostrating themselves. The force was as if a god had descended upon them. It was so strong that even Mei Liling who had the highest cultivation in the whole sect was having a hard time standing.

Mei Liling looked towards the array where Ah Chun was currently and knew she had to shut the array down. The array itself had amplified Ah Chun's spirit power by one hundred fold which was causing the scene now in front of Mei Liling! Step by step the closer Mei Liling got the heavier her footsteps got. The spiritual power was giving off so much pressure that it weighed on her body like ten tons of rocks.

Once Mei Liling made it to the array she was finally able to turn the array off. Immediately the waves of spirit power disappeared, the pressure was lifted, and the golden light vanished. Mei Liling stared at Ah Chun who was still just standing there as if nothing had happened. Mei Liling was proud of her daughter for staying so calm in such a situation. That was until Mei Liling saw a bright smile form on Ah Chun's face as Ah Chun looked at the prostrating cultivators in front of her.

"Mother did you see that they all knelt for me! But I wonder why they all knelt like that? It must mean that I'm amazing right Mother?" Ah Chun's smile became ever more profound as she ran up to Mei Liling.

Once again the words out of Ah Chun's mouth made Mei Liling facepalm. She could not figure out why it was becoming so hard to read this daughter of hers! But after everything was said and done she was amazed at Ah Chun's potential. The golden color that she had emitted was something she had never seen in her thousands of years. She had once seen someone with white spiritual power, but never golden.

"Yes, Chun'er is amazing! Now it is time for you to do the last test of the first exam" Ignoring the happenings and bewildered cultivators, Mei Liling pulled Ah Chun's hand leading her away from the spirit power testing array dragging Ah Chun over to the strength testing area.

The strength test was fairly simple. Although they also used an array for this test, the array was fixed to a large stone made out of camatonzine. Which was one of the hardest materials known. The array would detect the impact of the force that hit the stone and would display a number value on the stone. Normally for an admissions test, the highest number that would be seen is around two to three thousand jin. This is mainly because the cultivators that show up for these entrance test are cultivators who are only within the late stages of Qi Gathering. This is only due to the majority of the cultivators being in their teens. There have been times when an older cultivator will come to apply and would be in the early stages of Qi Condensation.