Is It Love? Part Four

"Little ChunChun I will forfeit the match I can't fight you! No, I will not fight you. You are the first friend I have ever had. There is no way I can fight you." Zhi Rou said as she pushed back her tears, determination was written all over her face.

Without waiting for Ah Chun to reply, Zhi Rou looked up at Shi Quan Who was standing on the stage and yelled. "Sect Master can I forfeit my match I can not fight Ah Chun. " Shi Quan looked down at the girl who was standing next to Ah Chun. But before he could say anything Mei Liling had gotten out of her seat and walked to stand next to Shi Quan. Her gaze fell onto Zhi Ro.

"May I ask why you will not fight my daughter?" Mei Liling applied a little bit of Spirit Pressure onto Zhi Rou.

When Mei Liling's spirit pressure pressed down on to Zhi Rou, Ah Chun did not move. Mei Liling and sent her a voice transmission to trust her. Since her mother had said so she would listen and stand to the side. Zhi Rou was now slightly hunched over and sweating as she tried to resist Mei Liling's Spirit Pressure. She knew that this was a test that Ah Chun's mother was giving her. She had to stand strong and pass this test so she can continue to be friends with Ah Chun. "Elder Mei, the reason I do not want to fight your daughter is that we just became friends. She is my first friend and I would rather be beaten to a pulp by your daughter than to ruin the friendship we have just started. Even if I did fight her with everything I had. I know I would still not win against her. So please let me forfeit my match... " Zhi Rou barely finished her words before she could no longer take the Spirit Pressure from Mei Liling and fell towards the ground.

Ah Chun saw Zhi Rou falling and quickly reached out to catch her. Ah Chun looked up at her mother who had just released the Spirit Pressure on Zhi Rou and looked at them with a soft expression. Ah Chun breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that her new friend had passed her mother's test.

"Good! I accept your answer. As of today Zhi Rou you will follow my daughter and you will live with her at the Twin Healing Peaks. " Mei Liling gave Zhi Rou and Ah Chun a soft smile. She was happy that Ah Chun finally had a friend around her age. Not that she did not like Yu Yan but Yu Yan was her sworn sister. Which is different from a full pledge friend.

"Th-Thank you Elder Mei!" Zhi Rou broke down and tears started to flow, she was so happy she could not help but cry. She did not expect to be able to even stay with Ah Chun. She felt like she was in a dream.

Ah Chun gently hugged her until she finished crying. She was happy that she would be able to have her friend around all the time. Peering eyes of the other cultivators looked over at them as they gossiped about the events. Some were happy for Zhi Rou while others were jealous of her luck. She had befriended Elders Mei's daughter and was now allowed to live with her on the Twin Healing Peaks. These two mountain peaks other than the Divine Sword Peak that the Sect master lived on, had the most Spiritual Qi. At this time many disciples were deciding whether they should try to warm up to Ah Chun or not. If they pretended to be her friend then maybe they could also move to the Twin Healing Peaks too. This was another reason why Mei Liling said what she said in front of so many people. She wanted Ah Chun to learn the ugliness of people's hearts. That greed will come in all forms. The more test Ah Chun has to go through now will only help her growth in the future. It was at this time that one of the disciples found something was wrong and spoke up.

"Sect Master why is Elder Mei's daughter taking the third admissions test, if she is already a core disciple? I thought this was a test to decide who will become an inner sect disciple." A burly young man around twenty-five years old asked.

Shi Quan looked at the burly young man and just shook his head. He glanced at Mei Liling who was also staring at the burly young man. He sighed before opening his mouth to answer." She is taking these tests for her experience. The outcome of the fights will have no effect on anyone. But in order to be fair if anyone is able to beat Ah Chun then this old man will make that disciple a core disciple."

Shi Quan's words made a lot of disciples exclaim in surprise and they all had the same thought and that was to defeat Ah Chun with everything they had! Being able to become a core disciple right as one entered the sect would be huge. The resources that core disciples got were ten times that of what inner sect disciples got. In the face of such a tempting offer, all the disciples had completely forgotten Ah Chun's earlier display of power. While they were still scheming and plotting on how to defeat Ah Chun. Shi Quan finished his speech and sent everyone off to their temporary residents. They would all have three days rest before the third admissions test.