First Encounter With Ning Shen Part One

After the announcement from Shi Quan, Ah Chun, Mei Liling, and Zhi Rou went to a small courtyard that was not too far from the Devil's Gorge entrance. This is where they will stay until the end of the admissions test before moving to the Twin Healing Peaks. On this night Mei Liling had left Ah Chun with Zhi Rou to finish up some work that she had been putting off since she returned to the sect.

It was now dark out, Ah Chun and Zhi Rou were in the middle of cultivating. The location of the courtyard and the Twin Healing Peaks was quite far even for someone with high cultivation such as Mei Liling would take an hour just to go between the two. To people who knew about this might take advantage of this time to do something sinister.

Ah Chun was in the process of circulating her Qi when she felt something was wrong. She felt a fluctuation in the Spiritual Qi in the air and quickly got up and rushed into the room Zhi Rou was in. The door to the room slammed loudly against the wall which scared Zhi Rou who was in the middle of circulating her Qi. Not saying a word Ah Chun ran over to Zhi Rou grabbed her by the arm, pulled her out of the room, and pushed her to the ground. Zhi Rou who was completely confused about what was going on started to blush because of Ah Chun's action.

"Get down!" Ah Chun did not explain as she pushed Zhi Rou to the floor.

"Li-Little Chunchun what are you do..." Zhi Rou's words cut out when she finally felt the Spiritual Qi fluctuation.

Not too long after a loud vibrating sound was heard as a massive sword light smashed through the ceiling of the stone house. It disintegrated everything in its path and landed and exploded right where Zhi Rou's room was creating a long sword scar. Zhi Rou's face paled she had no idea what was going on but she knows if Ah Chun did save her just now she would have been dead.

The dust and debris in the air caused Ah Chun to cough as she waved her hand trying to push it all away. As the dust cleared Ah Chun looked up to see a young boy around twelve to thirteen years old floating up in the sky. His long black hair swayed in the breeze. The moonlight that shone down on his white jaded skin made his already handsome looks even more stunning. His sword-like eyebrows raised up seeing that he had missed his target. This was the first time he had ever missed his target before. He was paid good money to kill this little girl who was now staring at him with hateful eyes. But for some reason when he looked into those big round deep dark eyes, he could not help but think it would be too much of a pity to kill her. If she was this quick to react now wouldn't it be more fun to play with her when she grew more!

"What is the meaning of this? Why did you attack us?" Ah Chun was very angry but the feeling she got from this young boy in the sky, was that he was very powerful! She somehow knew she would not win in a fight against him. The young boy in the sky looked down at the little girl who was puffing her cheeks out in anger. He tilted his head back and laughed.

"Little thing, grow up and grow stronger so we can play in the future." His smile widened as he watched the little girl getting angrier by the second.

"Who are you calling a little thing and who would want to play with you! You destroyed our house for what reason?" Ah Chun was now pointing at the young boy in the sky. The young boy laughed again without saying anything and went to turn to leave but stopped as he gazed at the girl behind Ah Chun and his eyes widen in surprise.

'So not only did i miss the target i actually attacked the wrong person altogether. Excellent! Very good! Not only did I not attack the right target but she was even able to save her friend!' The young boy thought to himself. A streak of light could be seen in his eyes as he looked down into Ah Chun's eyes.

"Little thing remember the name, Ning Shen. We will meet again!" After leaving his name his body flickered and disappeared.

Ah Chun saw the young boy disappear and stomped her feet in anger. She couldn't believe that he just showed up attacked them and then disappeared into thin air! The worst part of the whole ordeal was he kept calling her little thing this little thing that and telling her to grow up quickly. How was she supposed to grow up quickly when she was going to be stuck looking like this for thousands of years! She had so much anger built up she did not know what to do with it!

"Who wants to meet you again!" Ah Chun yelled out in anger.