First Encounter With Ning Shen Part Two

In the town, right outside the Heavenly Sword Sect, a figure appeared out of thin air inside a room in an inn. A young boy walked over and looked at the man in front of him who was bowing to him. This young boy was none other than Ning Shen.

"Young master, shall we be leaving?" The man who had his head bowed said.

"Not right now, I have found a fun toy to play with. I have to make sure nothing gets near it that will cause my fun time to be interrupted when that little thing finally grows." Ning Shen said with a smile on his face. This smile had a hint of sadistic intent which could send shivers down anyone's spine.

The man with his head bowed looked up and shivered when he saw that smile. Nothing ever good happened when his young master smiled like that. He felt bad for whoever had caught his young master's eye.

"But your sister..." The man asked his body shaking since he knew this topic was very sensitive.

"It's fine as long we lay low for a while. My sister's friend is also currently in this realm. I can't let her contact my sister for now or I will be dragged back. Let us get ourselves settled into this realm first before I go back. So, for now, Qin Sha go find a spot suitable to raise some pigs." Ning Shen walked over to the window and looked up at the sky. The smile on his face got even wider as he thought of that little thing that was so raging mad.

"Yes, Young Master." Qin Sha Cupped his hands, bowed, and disappeared from where he stood.

Currently, Ah Chun was still stomping her feet in anger heard a rustling coming from behind her. It was then that she remembered that Zhi Rou was almost killed. "Rourou are you okay!?" Ah Chun quickly ran over to Zhi Rou.

"Yes, thanks to you. If it was not for you I would have died..." Zhi Rou's face was pale she had come so close to death. If not for Ah Chun's quick reactions she would have disintegrated along with everything else in that sword light. Just the thought of this made Zhi Rou burst out in tears. She had never experienced such a near-death situation such as this before. So once she had finally relaxed from being safe her tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Rourou are you ok did you get hurt?" Seeing Zhi Rou suddenly start crying made Ah Chun start to panic thinking Zhi Rou was badly hurt. Ah Chun looked over every part of Zhi Rou's body only to sigh in relief to see that nothing was wrong. Ah Chun then pulled Zhi Rou into a hug letting her cry.

About half of the stone house was completely gone. The incident had also caused the other disciples to come out of their courtyards to see what was going on. What they saw was a large sword scar where the right half of the stone house should have been. The disciples were talking amongst themselves when a loud voice came from the sky.

"Chun'er!" Mei Liling came flying over and upon seeing half of the stone house missing and the long sword scar, Mei Liling's eyebrows furrowed and worried look appeared on her face when Ah Chun was nowhere in sight.

"Mother we're fine." Ah Chun yelled out as she pulled Zhi Rou with her and walked out of the stone house. But when she looked around and saw that Mei Liling was standing in the air, Ah Chun was stunned, she had no idea Mei Liling could fly. 'Mother is really powerful!' Ah Chun thought when she saw this.

" Who did this?" Mei Liling asked as she floated down and pulled both Ah Chun and Zhi Rou into a hug. She could not think of anyone that her daughter could have made enemies with.

"It was a young boy named Ning Shen." Ah Chun said as she was grinding her teeth. She was still mad because of what he kept calling her. Just the thought of being called little thing over and over again made her seethe with anger. Right now Ah Chun was so focused on what he was calling her that she had completely forgotten that he had destroyed half of the stone house and almost killed Zhi Rou.

Mei Liling, on the other hand, went quiet when she heard the name, Ning Shen. Mei Liling knew who Ning Shen was but what she did not get was why he would go out of his way to attack her daughter. 'The only reason he would go out of his way to come here to do anything knowing that she was here was unless he was pai…' Mei Liling's thought process came to a halt. 'Some bastard had actually hired Ning Shen to assassinate her daughter!'

"Good! Very good!" Mei Liling shouted out. This shout surprised both Ah Chun and Zhi Rou.

"Chun'er do not worry Mother will get to the bottom of this. Anyone who tries to kill my daughter is only seeking a path worse than death!" Mei Liling patted Ah Chun's head. But her inner thoughts right now were: 'Since you came down to this realm I'm guessing your sister does not know you are here. So I will give you a helping hand and will send a message to her right away.' Ning Shen who had just settled down to cultivate felt a cold chill run down his spine.

Around the corner hidden in the dark was a figure dressed in black that was watching all the events from start to finish. Their face contorted as they cursed quietly "Stinking brat! This is not the end!" Flicking their sleeves the figure vanished into the night.