First Life Or Death Battle

"Yeah, I'm the one who hired Ning Shen what of it? But who would have thought he would have failed his mission. Now I have no choice but to get rid of you myself." The old man said as he glared at Ah Chun.

The moon came out and illuminated the mans face causing Ah Chun to point at him and say: "I know you! Your that old pervert from the first day of the admissions test! " She was right the old man was none other than Elder Wan that Ah Chun kept calling a pervert over and over again during the admissions test.

Elder Wan's eyebrows twitched as he exploded his spiritual power sending it straight at Ah Chun, trying to suppress her with it. But how can Ah Chun be affected by his weak pressure, she who had to deal with an array that pressured her with far worse spiritual power of someone from the Dao Root realm until just recently. "Since your mother will not teach you how to respect your elders I will do her a favor and send you to hell!" Finishing his words his body flickered and arrived instantly in front of Ah Chun.

He sent out a palm strike out, right at Ah Chun's chest. Ah Chun was not expecting the sudden attack so she quickly executed her dancing lotus technique. But even still, although she was able to not take a direct hit, the force behind the attack still sent her flying through a wall and into a rocky cliff face. On impact, she couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood. This was Ah Chun's first time getting hit so hard and her first time being injured but what was strange for a girl her age, she did not cry nor did she have any feelings of running away. There was only a look of excitement in her eyes. For Ah Chun, this was her first real battle as an immortal cultivator. The kind of battle she has been waiting for, for so long. Although she could die at any second her excitement had overtaken all rational thought and as soon as she got up she summoned the Slaughter of Time. With her eyes filled with excitement, her body flickered as she dashed towards Elder Wan.

Elder Wan seen the sword in her hand and quickly pulled his sword out as well. Ah Chun arrived in front of Elder Wan as she swung her sword towards his neck. Her Killing intent was amplified by the Slaughter of Time which caused Elder Wan to Panic a bit as he quickly retreated. But Ah Chun did not let up as soon as he retreated her body flickered as she followed. The sound of metal against metal rang throughout the night. As the two clashed, Ah Chun was finding it hard to land a solid hit on Elder Wan. Elder Wan was someone of the third stage of the Qi World realm, he was not weak at all!

The sounds of fighting had caused a gathering of disciples who watched the show from the side.

"Hey isn't that Elder Wan? Who is he fighting?"

"I don't know but from the looks of it, it seems to be a little girl."

"Isn't Elder Wan at the third stage of Qi world? Why is he having so much trouble with a little girl."

The voices of the spectators reached Elder Wan's ears which infuriated him so much he gathered spiritual power into his hand and slapped another palm strike at Ah Chun. Ah Chun was to close and was unable to fully dodge the attack as it hit her left shoulder which sent her flying tumbling through the air. She was barely able to right herself as she landed and dug the Slaughter of Time into the ground to slow her speed. She finally slowed to a halt after one hundred meters. Ah Chun looked up at Elder Wan and wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth. Her left arm was dangling at her side. Her sleeve had been shredded and was now revealing her white jade-like shoulder. The killing intent surrounding Ah Chun grew even stronger. Her body was now giving off a strong aura of blood lust. Voices from the sword could be heard in her head "Kill… Kill… Kill..." The voices were not attacking her will but more of showing its excitement of the fight. But because of the voices in her head, they had somewhat influenced her thoughts and the only thought she had at this moment and time was to kill the enemy in front of her at all cost or be killed in the end.

Although her left arm was now dangling at her side Ah Chun felt no pain. She gripped the Slaughter of Time as her body flickered as she once again clashed head-on with Elder Wan. Elder Wan looked at the little girl and his expression showed a bit of surprise. The little girl was actually smiling at him. This smile freaked him out so much he sent out another palm strike that sent Ah Chun flying again. This time Ah Chun was not able to stabilize herself and she crashed into a tree and coughed up another mouthful of blood. But she showed no signs of pain just a bright smile on her face with eyes that were filled with excitement. Elder Wan did not wait for her to attack him again and attacked her first instead. Giving Ah Chun no time to relax. That smile on her face was as if she was mocking him.

He was so angered he sent yet, another palm strike out but this time aiming for her head. He wanted to kill this little devil as fast as possible! But in his moment of impatience, he did not try to hide his attack which Ah Chun picked up on. He struck out but he hit nothing but air. A bout of pain could be felt from his wrist. When he looked down, there was blood spurting out of his left hand that he struck out with.

Ah Chun had seen through his attack and ducked down while striking up with her sword which cleaved Elder Wan's hand right off. The blood spurted right out and sprayed all over Ah Chun. She took this time to make some space between her and Elder Wan. Elder Wan who was still shocked about losing his hand suddenly heard childish laughter. "Ehehehe! This is great! A fight to the death! This is what I have been looking for! I never had so much fun!" Ah Chun's eyes were glowing with excitement. Right now her whole presence exuded that of a battle manic!