The Death Of Elder Wan?

Elder Wan looked at the little girl in front of him. His face was red with rage. He can not believe that he was actually injured to such a degree by someone of a lower cultivation. Elder Wan's problem was that she was so small she could easily dodge his attacks. He glared at Ah Chun gripped his sword as body flickered and arrived in front of Ah Chun swinging down and at the same time kicking out with his foot. His foot hit Ah Chun's stomach as she tried to dodge the sword making her fly into the air. This caused Ah Chun who already had internal injuries to cough up two more mouthfuls of blood. But the smile on her face did not disappear. When she finally got herself stable she rotated her body and as she was falling towards Elder Wan she swung the Slaughter of Time down. But Ah Chun's battle experience was too little because just as she was about to hit Elder Wan his body flickered and appeared above her as he swung his sword down aiming to sever her neck from her body! Ah Chun was fast in her reflexes as she quickly spun her body around mid-air and raised her sword just in the nick of time. But the force of his attack still smashed her into the ground forming a small crater which caused her to cough up even more blood.

Ah Chun laid on the ground laughing, she had completely lost herself in blood lust. To her whether she lived or died only one of them would survive on this night. If she won she would be one step closer to her goal of rising to the apex of all! Hearing Ah Chun maniacally laughing made Elder Wan rage even more. He wanted her to stop laughing cause her laugh was as if she was mocking him. He thrust his sword out towards Ah Chun who was still lying on the ground. Ah Chun saw the tip getting closer and closer to her face when she abruptly sat up and turned her body which caused the sword to pierce through her left shoulder. But she still did not cry out in pain and to the shock of all the spectators, she grabbed the sword that was stuck in her and pulled, pulling Elder Wan towards her as the sword pierced even deeper into her. Elder Wan was not expecting her to do such a thing and fell towards her after losing his footing. Ah Chun took this chance when he was unbalanced and swung her sword aiming for Elder Wan's head. But Elder Wan quickly let go of the hilt of his sword and turned his body trying to parry the attack but he was not fast enough and Ah Chunj's sword hit his left shoulder as it sliced down completely cutting off his left arm. Which sent Elder Wan tumbling to the ground crying out in pain. Now, this took time to explain but all this had happened in a blink of an eye.

"Ehehehe an old pervert with one arm!" Ah, Chun's mocking voice could be heard as she sat up with Elder Wan's sword still pierced through her. But no matter how bad she looked she still had a smile on her face. Elder Wan's blood had sprayed all over her face so the blood combined with her smile made her look extremely demonic at this time. The disciples who were spectating the whole fight could not help but shiver as the mumbled 'it's a little devil'.

Ah Chun slowly got up as she looked at Elder Wan who was now rolling on the ground. His cultivation might be higher but his body was not tempered, so his pain threshold was very low. Her eyes lit up as she walked over to Elder Wan, she knelt beside him and placed the sword on his neck as she said: "I am still waiting for you to teach me a lesson in my mother's place. Is rolling around on the ground clutching your shoulder the lesson you want to teach me? Well even if it wasn't I will say this, I had a lot of fun but I have to go soon or mother will find out that I snuck out. " After finishing her words she raised her sword and slammed it down towards Elder Wan's Neck.

"Chun'er stop!" A voice rang out that sounded like thunder. Ah Chun's sword stopped as the tip just barely touched Elder Wan's neck causing a drop of blood to roll down the side of it.

"But Mother he was the one who sent that dumbo Ning Shen to kill Chun'er!" Ah Chun said as she tried to explain her actions.

"Mother knows, Chun'er, Mother has been watching right from the beginning but he is not for Chun'er to kill." Ah Chun stood up and retracted the Slaughter of Time.

Mei Liling had been following Ah Chun right at the moment she stepped foot off of the mountain. She wanted to see how Ah Chun could deal with the situations as she came across them. One of the main reasons why no one had stopped the fight between Ah Chun and Elder Wan was mainly because Mei Liling stopped them from doing so. She wanted Ah Chun to gain the battle experience she would need in the future. This was the kind of battle she really needed since she has never had a true life or death battle. But this only goes as far as Elder Wan dying if Ah Chun was about to lose her life Mei Liling would have stepped in, in an instant to save Ah Chun.

"Chun'er understands Mother." Ah Chun pouted her lips as she looked at her mother dejectedly. The prize of Elder Wan's life was not hers to take. Ah Chun could not help but feel a bit disappointed.

Though Elder Wan who was still lying on the ground in intense pain, he felt relief flow over him as he would be able to keep his life. But this feeling only lasted for a split second the next words he heard made him cough up a mouthful of blood.

"Mmm… Elder Wan has to die by my hands since he targeted my precious daughter!" As Mei Liling's voice echoed out her body flickered as she arrived at Elder Wan grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air.

"Since you dared to touch my daughter, I'll make you feel pain that will make you wish you had died one hundred times over, as you spend the rest of your life as my test subject!" After Mei Liling finished speaking, she threw a palm strike to Elder Wan's dantian. Crippling him of his cultivation.