Elder Wan’s Hatred For Ah Chun

Elder Wan was someone who cared very much about his reputation within the Heavenly Sword Sect. He came across as a kind elder who cared for the disciples of the sect. But this was all ruined on the first day of the admissions test when he came across a certain little girl. This little girl kept calling him a pervert over and over again. This had made him lose face in front of not only the cultivators who were there to take the admissions test but also the other elders and current disciples of the sect. But to top it all off that despicable Mei Liling also showed up and the little bastard child was her adopted daughter! It was no wonder she was such a little brat and showed no respect for her elders, look at her mother!

Now, this would not have been so bad if the whole ordeal ended there but a rumor spread throughout the sect. The rumor said that Elder Wan liked little girls so much he even tried to kidnap one during the first day of the admissions test. Now he was known as a pervert who liked little girls throughout the entire sect! Every time he walked by any female sect members no matter their age they would look at him with disdain and leave the area as fast as they could in fear that he would target them next. There was even a female elder who had wrinkles all over her face that screamed out that he was staring at her with his lecherous eyes. This had caused another uproar within the sect. In the span of three days, his reputation that he had painstakingly built up was thoroughly ruined by one little girl who did not show any respect to her elders!

During the second part of the admissions test, all the elders moved his seat to the far corner of the viewing area separated from everyone else. And when that same little girl could be heard talking about all the perverts she had met within the sect all the elders glared at him! What had he done wrong!? All he did was try to settle an issue for a disciple and now he was treated like some sick monster! And the cause of this whole mess was that little bastard!

His anger turned to hatred and the only thing he could think of to appease his rage was to kill the little brat who was the cause of this whole mess. He went out and searched for someone who could easily enter and escape the sect after doing an assassination. He had heard there was a very powerful young boy of unknown origins that was looking for this type of work. He took out all of his spirit stones he had and hired the young boy to take care of the little bastard. But who would have thought he would have failed and on top of that he had taken all the spirit stones he had even though he failed the mission! So with no way to hire someone else to do the job he had no choice but to do it himself!

So he waited and waited until the night when the little bastard finally came out from the mountain. This was his chance to finally let out all his hatred as he killed this little bastard. But how was he supposed to know that this seemingly frail little girl's cultivation was so high, not to mention she was an utter battle freak who got a thrill from putting her life on the line. Along with her speed and agile moves he was finding it hard to even hit the brat. But when he did hit her she would smile and laugh as if it was nothing. Even when her arm was dangling at her side she still smiled. Her action infuriated him so much that he lost his composure and ended up losing a hand. And then after he finally had her pinned down she let the sword in his hand pierce through her and used that as a way to remove his left arm completely.

Now because of all these unforeseen events, he was now hanging in a dark dingy place where there was a smell of something rancid and putrid in the air. Everyday Mei Liling had forced him to swallow black pills that cause him excruciating pain. He wished he could just die but Mei Liling had cut out his tongue and crippled his cultivation so with his arms strung up against a wall he was not even able to take his own life.