Ah Chun Departs

It had been three days since the fight with Elder Wan, Ah Chun thought she would get in trouble for sneaking out but Mei Liling never brought it up. She had fully healed from all the injuries she had sustained during her fight. Mei Liling had supplied her with many medicinal pills in order to help her have a speedy recovery. On this day Mei Liling had called Ah Chun over saying she had something important to tell her. When Ah Chun arrived at Mei Lilings immortal cave she found Mei Liling standing out front seemingly waiting on her.

"Good your here Chun'er. I have decided to send you out on your own to start gathering experience as a cultivator. After I watched your fight with Elder Wan I realized that keeping you here to cultivate and learn pill refinement would be too much of a waste. For the next two years, I want you to wander on your own and grow..." Ah Chun's eyes started to well up with tears and like a dam breaking it overflowed interrupting what Mei Liling was saying.

"Does mother not want me no more? Did Chun'er do something wrong? Is it because I snuck out? I promise to never do that again so please don't throw Chun'er away" Ah Chun tear's continuously flowed streaming down her face.

Mei Liling pulled Chun'er into a hug after seeing the tears rolling down Ah Chun's face, as she said: "Who's throwing you away Chun'er, Mother wants you to do this for your own good, for your own growth, and so you can accomplish the things you need to do in the future. Staying here will only stagnate your growth, which will hinder your vow to the heavens. Plus you have a transmission stone so Chun'er can talk to Mother at any time. I just want Chun'er to grow up strong."

"Does Mother still love Chun'er?" Ah Chun asked still a bit teary eyes but calmer now.

"Of course Chun'er, Mother loves Chuner very, very much. " Hearing those words Ah Chun smiled brightly as little dimples formed on her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around Mei Liling as she squeezed her as tight as she could.

"Then Chun'er will listen to Mother and come back stronger than ever before!" Mei Liling breathed a sigh of relief. She had never meant to make Ah Chun cry but her choice of wording might have been a little off when she was explaining things.

"Good! Chun'er this time around Mother does not want Chun'er to come back before two years, that's the minimum. If Chun'er has chances to gain more experience then take longer if need be. But Mother wants Chun'er to also contact Mother once a month. So that way Mother knows you are okay. If Chun'er knows that Chun'er will not be able to contact Mother for a while try to tell Mother ahead of time so Mother is not sitting here worrying." Mei Liling kissed the top of Ah Chun's head before pushing herself apart from Ah Chun. She reached in her pocket and pulled out an interspatial ring. "In this ring, there are over five thousand medium spirit stones. This should get Chun'er through for a while but after that, Chun'er will need to get more on her own. Everything out here in the Primordial Lands is bought and sold with spirit stones. So make sure Chun'er does not waste them. There are also pills for healing and detox in case of emergencies. Mother just wants Chun'er to promise Mother that you will come back safe and sound. Do not let Mother be a mother who outlived her own child. " Mei Liling eyes started to redden. She had once sent this daughter of hers off on her own for six months now she was sending her off for two years or more. She did not want to see her go but it was for her growth as a cultivator so she had no choice.

"Chun'er promises to come back, Mother. When does Mother want Chun'er to leave?" Mei Liling looked at the smile on her face, she could see a hint of anticipation in Ah Chun's eyes. She could only sigh this daughter of hers was really the adventures type.

"Three days from now is when Mother wants Chun'er to set out. So for the next three days, Chun'er should spend time with Zhi Rou, Yan'er and Mother." Mei Liling knew that this trip would be a life-altering experience for her daughter. So spending time with loved ones before she set off was a good thing.

This world is vast and the experiences that each cultivator has is different. The world itself was riddled with dangers that could even shake the heavens but there were also rewards for those who are willing to risk it all for the sake of their cultivation. The path of cultivation is a lonely path. Even if they had loved ones or family that were all on the same path. In the end, they would still need to venture out on their own. Mei Liling knew that Ah Chun's path would not only lead her to the apex of this world but even to the realms above. But as of now she only needed to focus on getting stronger and learning new experiences. Putting her life on the line to better herself. This was the path she had chosen the day she made her vow. Mei Liling gazed at Ah Chun with a doting smile. She can only hope this daughter of hers will be safe on the journey that lay ahead of her.

Three days later at the entrance of the Heavenly Sword Sect…

"Chunchun do you really have to go!?" Zhi Rou was holding on to Ah Chun's hand crying as she looked at her friend. Unwillingness to part was written all over her face.

"Un! Rourou, Mother said it I can come back in two years and I will be contacting you once a month. So we will still get to talk even though we will be so far apart." Although Ah Chun was sad to have to part with her new friend she held back her tears and put a smile on her face.

"You better come back! If not I will go out and hunt you down!" Mei Liling and Yu Yan who were watching these two little girls interact could not help but laugh they were just too cute.

"Chunchun take care of yourself. Your Big Sister will work hard and try to catch up in her cultivation so that we can venture out together next." Yu Yan walked up and gave Ah Chun a hug.

"Un! Next time we will go together!" Ah Chun smiled as she hugged Yu Yan only to find a few seconds later her cheeks felt very painful "Stwop it! Twhat hwurts!"(Stop it! That hurts!)

"Sorry, sorry. Just not being able to pinch these cheeks for two years Big Sister couldn't resist" Ah Chun puffed out her cheeks as she rubbed them. This caused everyone to laugh.

Although her cheeks hurt Ah Chun still smiled. She could feel the love from these three people in front of her. Her best friend Zhi Rou, Her Big Sister Yu Yan, and her mother who had given her a new path in life. Her heart felt warm. These three were her family, that family she loved. Doing her best to hold back her tears Ah Chun turned to all of them and bowed before saying: "Mother, Big Sister, Rourou, Chuner will be leaving. Please take care of yourselves..." With her parting words, Ah Chun turned around and walked down the path that will lead her on a new journey.