Moon Clave City

Ah Chun has been traveling for three days now as she followed a road towards a place called Moon Clave City. Moon Clave City was located on the outskirts of a forest called Black Forest. It was a place known to have very rare herbs as well as high ranking demonic beasts. The city had originally started off as a camp for a clan called the Wang Clan until it had finally built up to what it is today. The Wang Clan holds the highest authority in Moon Clave City due to their clan being very powerful.

Moon Clave City was just a small place out in the Primordial Lands. But even though it was called small it was still a huge city that spans across hundreds of kilometers. In the center of this city, there was a place called Feng Gong Pavilion where mercenary groups gathered to take on jobs that people posted with the Pavillion. These jobs ranged anywhere from gathering herbs to killing demonic beasts for cores and even jobs that dealt with assassinations.

Ah Chun had asked around to find a place she could earn some spirit stones. Although she has a lot on her she did not want to be left hanging when she ran out. And as of right now Ah Chun was standing in front of Feng Gong Pavilion as she watched cultivators walking in and out of the front doors as she mumbled to herself. "Hi, my name is Ah Chun I would like to take on a job."

After taking in a deep breath Ah Chun walked forwards and pushed the door open. The killing intent that Ah Chun unconsciously exuded from her body spread out around her frightening some of the other cultivators. Which caught the attention of everyone who was in the place. Not thinking anything of it she walked towards the counter were a receptionist was standing and in her childish voice she said: "Hi, My name is Ah Chun I would like to take on a job!" With a smile on her face, she looked at the receptionist.

The whole place went silent..."Ahahaha are you kidding me, little lass? Why don't you go back home to mommy? Unless the little girl thinks she's a big girl then, in that case, I can give you a job of washing my feet for me." A young teenage boy with a sword on his back broke the silence with his laughter as he shouted out. He was not affected at all by Ah Chun's killing intent. Out here in the Primordial Lands mostly all of the cultivators had some form of killing intent coming off of them. Since these cultivators fought with their lives on the line every day. Which was different from a sect where you can cultivate in a peaceful environment.

"Wang Chen it's just a little girl don't be so mean." His friend who was sitting next to him said as he laughed.

"How am I being mean? The little girl said it herself, she wants a job and I am willing to pay her one low spirit stone to wash my feet. It's not like..." A childish voice interrupted Wang Chen.

"Don't say little..." Ah Chun's eyebrow was twitching and her cheeks were puffed out. She wondered why it was that everyone would say little this and little that. She knows she was small but people did not have to point it out!

"Ahahahaha! Little girl, are you going to cry?" Wang Chen found it very amusing that the little girl rebuked him!

"If you say it again, I will make you regret it." Ah Chun spoke slowly. She did not attack him right away like she usually would. Mei Liling had told her to be careful not to just attack anyone out of anger. So she gave him a warning instead.

"What did you just say? Little girl, I do not know who you are but if you threaten me, do not think that I will hold back just because you are a little girl." A cold gleam ran across Wang Chen's eyes as he stared at Ah Chun. He was the young master of the Wang Clan he was one of the most respected people in all of Moon Clave City! How could he stand for some little girl threatening him?

"She's done for… Now that Wang Chen is mad he will definitely not let that little girl off."

"Sigh so young and she's about to die. It is very tragic."

Some of the bystanders felt pity for Ah Chun but they did not dare intervene. Wang Chen held too high of a status in the Wang Clan. He was one of their top geniuses. Hitting the Eighth Stage of Qi Condensation at the age of fourteen. He was even going to be participating in the rankings of the Dragon Mist Realm. That only allowed those under the age of twenty to enter. It would be a huge prestige for the Wang Clan if he was able to rank in the top ten. These rankings were spread throughout the entire Primordial Lands and the people in the top ten usually would have many of the major powers of the Primordial Lands trying to recruit them.

Now, Ah Chun had no idea who Wang Chen was or that he was someone with high status within Moon Clave City. All she cared about right now was that he kept calling her little even though she asked him to stop and it was really starting to make her mad!