The Dark Forest

Ah Chun looked at the two pieces of paper which contained information on her targets that she needed to get the demonic beast cores from. One was an Earthen Bear which had a strong defense and mighty strength. The other was a Golden Roc it was known for its fast speed and quick attacks. Which will be a challenge for Ah Chun and was one of the reasons why she took the job. After reading the information over a few times Ah Chun placed it into her interspatial ring and entered the Dark Forest.

The Dark Forest was different from the forest that was near her home village. The demonic beasts that can be found in the outer ring ranged from the first rank to the fourth rank. Making it dangerous right as you stepped into the forest itself. The main reason this place was called the dark forest was that the canopies of the trees would block out the sun completely. There were only some spots where the sun actually reached the forest floor. There was a rich amount of Spiritual Qi that permeated through the air which allowed the demonic beasts to reach higher ranks faster. There were even rumors of primordial beast the size of mountains living in the deepest parts of the forest but those are just rumors. Not only was this a breeding ground for demonic beasts but there were many precious herbs that grew here. The death rate of this forest was one out of ten cultivators who entered.

Although Ah Chun knew all this information she still entered anyways. She used her spirit pressure as a way to ward off all the lower-ranked demonic beasts. The demonic beast here differed from the demonic beast in the forest near her village. Due to the higher concentration of Spiritual Qi the demonic beast here were a lot stronger. The rank nine Cloud Lion she had fought before would only match up to a ranked six demonic beast in this forest.

As she made her way through she could see other cultivators fighting the demonic beast. These cultivators were only in the Qi Condensation stages so they could not go any further into the forest than the outer ring. Every once and a while Ah Chun would stop and help a cultivator out who seemed to be on the verge of losing their life. These cultivators eyes would pop out of their heads as they looked at the little girl whose power outmatched theirs by tenfold. She got all kinds of reactions from these cultivators some who gave their thanks, some who did not say a word, and then there were people who yelled at her only to get slapped silly before being left unconscious on the ground. Ah Chun also made sure to take their interspatial rings as compensation for her help as well as the demonic core from the demonic beast she killed for them. Now whether or not those people survived after she left is another story. But she only did this to the people who started yelling at her for saving them.

After entering the middle section of the Dark Forest Ah Chun rarely saw other cultivators but the number of demonic beasts increased a lot. She kept moving forward no longer bothering about other cultivators since now she had to be more alert. She knew she was a lot stronger compared to the last time she fought against demonic beasts but she was not sure how much stronger these demonic beasts got. Her targets were known to roam the outer edges of the inner zone of the forest.

It took almost seven hours to reach the outer of the inner zone. Here the demonic beasts were a lot less due going from rank eight demonic beast to a rank nine demonic beast was like heaven and earth. It was also the same for rank nine demonic beasts that wanted to become saint beasts. Rank nine demonic beast could only become saint beasts after they passed a heavenly tribulation, which consisted of nine heavenly lightning strikes. Once a demonic beast was able to pass this stage they could turn into a human form which allowed them to then cultivate human cultivation methods and cultivate there way to becoming an immortal. Their human form also allowed them to mate with regular humans which their offspring would then gain a special bloodline. Depending on the bloodline these offspring would end up becoming heaven shaking geniuses. A lot of the major powers out in the primordial lands all had such bloodlines.

As Ah Chun was searching around the outer rim of the inner area she had finally spotted a sleeping Earthen Bear. It was sleeping near a cave entrance that seemed to have a faint glow coming from the inside. When Ah Chun saw the faint glow coming from the inside of the cave her eyes lit up. She could only guess that there was something good inside.

Ah Chun slowly tiptoed over to the Earthen Bear raised her foot and with all her might kicked the Eatheren Bear! Which sent him flying through the air before smashing into an ancient tree!