Beating Up An Earthen Bear

The Earthen bear was stunned silly, it was peacefully sleeping when it was hit by something hard and tossed through the air before it crashed into this ancient tree. It raised it's head to see who the perpetrator was only to be even more stunned to see a little girl covered in blood, in what was a white one-piece dress standing there looking at it. The little girl had her cheeks puffed out and a finger pointing right at it. The little girl was saying something to the Earthen Bear but it's head was still ringing from the collision and was not able to make out what she was saying. When it finally cleared up the Earthen Bear let out a roar as it got up.

"You dare kick me, little human!? " And the Earthen Bear said the most taboo words for Ah Chun right now.

Not even answering the Earthen Bear, Ah Chun tapped her foot and shot straight at the Earthen Bear as she balled up her little fist and punched out. The Earthen Bear saw the punch and reacted quickly as it dodged to its side swinging its large paw slamming it down towards Ah Chun. But before the paw landed, Ah Chun's body was like a leaf on the wind as she used her dancing lotus technique to easily dodge the strike while rolling her body in mid-air and slamming her fist down on the Earthen Bears paw, bypassing its tough defenses and shattering all the bones within its paw. This caused the Earthen Bear to cry out in pain as it quickly retreated and turned to try to run away. But with one of its paws shattered it was not able to get far before Ah Chun appeared in front of it.

"Where do you think you are going?" Ah Chun said as she now had the Slaughter of Time in her hand, it's will echoed out in Ah Chun's mind. "Kill… Kill… Kill..." A smile appeared on Ah Chun's face as she lunged forward and thrust the Slaughter of Time out completely piercing into the spot between the Earthen Bears brow. A look of disbelief could be seen on Earthen Bear's face. It, a rank nine demonic beast was slain by a small little girl in a matter of a few seconds.

Once the Earthen Bear died Ah Chun quickly dug out the core before storing the corpse and the core into her interspatial ring. The Earthen Bear corpse could also be sold for a medium grade spirit stone since it could be used in all kinds of crafting. After putting away the Slaughter of Time, Ah Chun felt her the Qi in her body surge which got her really excited it seemed she was about to breakthrough!

Ah Chun quickly sat down not even realizing she sat down in a pool of the Earthen Bears blood, as she closed her eyes and started to rotate the Heavenly Divine Lotus cultivation method. The Spiritual Qi in the air surged towards her as it swirled around her before entering her body. The Spiritual Qi flowed into her meridians as it circulated down to her dantian before being forcefully condensed, heated up, and liquified as the drops of liquid Spiritual Qi dropped into Ah Chun's Qi Sea. Ah Chun had finally broken through to the Fifth Stage of Qi Sea.

Ah Chun did not open her eyes right away as she decided to go ahead of solidified her foundation before she checked out the cave. Two hours later Ah Chun finally opened her eyes and streaks of purple light could be seen flashing through them. She got up off the ground and stretched her body.

as the sounds of her bones cracking could be heard.

"Another thousand years added on to my lifespan… I wonder if Mother would know if there is a technique to grow older..." Ah Chun sighed. she really still hated the fact that she was so small.

Feeling the stickiness of the blood on her body Ah Chun pulled out some water she had in a bucket from her interspatial ring to wash up with before hiding behind a rock to change into a new set of clothes.

After Ah Chun was done her eyes fell on to the cave once again. Still seeing the faint glow coming from within Ah Chun's eyes sparkled. She really hoped there was something good inside! She quickly made her way to the cave entrance before stopping in front of it. Ah Chun could feel a strong pressure premating from the cave. Although the pressure was strong her curiosity was stronger as she stepped into the cave. Once she made that step the pressure she felt grew even stronger, almost as if it wanted to toss her out of the cave. But when Ah Chun felt this pressure she knew something good was to be found here so she lifted her foot bearing the pressure and took another step forward.

For those on the path of immortal cultivation, one must risk life and death in order to gain any kind of opportunities they can get to strength themselves. Mei Liling had told Ah Chun long ago that she would need to take these sort of risks in order to push her path forward. If she had the chance to gain something then do everything necessary in order to gain it. Even if it meant reaping the lives of others in the process. The path of immortal cultivation was a bloody path and Mei Liling had explained this to Ah Chun. Ah Chun knew at this moment this was one of those opportunities just like when she found the Slaughter of Time.