Immortal Xiao Ying’s Inheritance Part One

As Ah Chun made her way forward deeper into the cave the pressure got stronger and stronger. But this did not deter Ah Chun's determination. She continued pressing forward even though she was now covered in sweat. So much so that the white one-piece dress she was wearing was now sticking to her small frame. Although the pressure was heavy it was not so bad that it was unbearable to Ah Chun.

The passage she was walking down was long and dark as well as being very narrow, to the point that it was just big enough for Ah Chun to comfortably walk down it. But as she reached the area where the glow was emanating from, Ah Chun's body felt as if it passed through a barrier. The pressure on her body was gone and her surroundings suddenly changed. She was now standing on a cliff edge with a cave entrance behind her. In front of her was a long metal chain that rose up into the sky that got lost into the clouds above. Down below the cliff, Ah Chun was standing on was a vast green expanse that fields of planes and forest. Off in the distance, a tens of thousands of meters tall mountain range could be seen. The majestic peaks glowed as light hit their peaks. To Ah Chun, this scenery looked like a painting to her.

Ah Chun's gaze fell on to the chains in front of her that lead up into the sky seemingly connecting to the clouds overhead. "I wonder where these lead to." She thought as she placed one foot onto the first chain link. One chain link was about a hundred times the size Ah Chun's body making her look like an ant on a tree limb in comparison. Ah Chun tested her footing before placing both feet on to the first chain link. The links themselves were very sturdy and did not sway. It seemed Ah Chun's body was so light that it made no difference on the chain.

Very cuationally, Ah Chun took each step as she climbed chain link by chain link up into the air. Everything seemed to be smooth sailing as she climbed until she hit the midsection of the chain when a strong gust of wind pressed onto Ah Chun's body almost causing her to fall to the ground below. She fell onto the chain pressing her body against it with her arms stretched out to keep herself from being blown off. The gust of wind scared her so much that her face paled in fright, she knew if she fell from this height she would end up dying. Once the wind calmed Ah Chun stood up again slowly climbing up the chain. She climbed a lot slower this time. Any time she felt a breeze Ah Chun would drop down and cling to the chain link to avoid being blown off even if there was a wind gust or not.

Ah Chun finally reached the chain link that entered the clouds above. She had no idea how long it took to reach this far. It seemed as if many days had passed but Ah Chun had no way of knowing since the sky overhead never changed, but she was sure at least a few days have gone by. Ah Chun stared at the layer of cloud in front of her as she reached a hand up and touched it only to have her hands pass right through it. "Amazing!" Ah Chun smiled as she waved her hand back and forth in the cloud.

After a while playing Ah Chun got lost in the thought about what to do next: ' I have to pass through here but I have no idea what lies beyond the clouds. I have no idea what dangers there might be.' Her determination was wavering due to not knowing the unknown. Ah Chun sat on the chain link contemplating before finally making a decision. "Mother said that immortal cultivators need to risk it all sometimes, so that is what I will do!" With her newfound determination, Ah Chun entered the cloud bank.

It was very hard for her to see as she climbed very slowly even slower than before. Ah Chun had to be extra careful not only because the visibility was low but also because the clouds held moisture which had made her footing very slippery. One wrong step would mean her death if she was not careful.

Ah Chun never once thought that one day she would be climbing chain that reached up towards the heavens. Risking her life to see what was beyond, hoping to encounter an opportunity that would change her life. As she was once just a normal girl who was just struggling to survive in the cruel world that had tossed her such a cruel fate. But now, here she was doing just that as she climbed ever so slowly towards the heavens to see what lie in wait for her when she reached the end.