Receiving The Inheritance

Ah Chun walked into the crystal palace and as she passed through the doors she felt a sense of pressure that weighed down on her soul sea. But was instantly relieved as a faint golden light covered her body. Ah Chun looked up at Immortal Xiao Ying who was smiling at her and nodded her head in thanks.

"The inside of the palace is its own space separate from the space outside. The law energy that Immortals cultivate is ten times stronger in here. " Immortal Xiao Ying explained.

Ah Chun also knew this, she had reached the ranks of immortality in her time in the samsara so she knew what law energy was. But still, Ah Chun could not help but think that the crystal palace was indeed a mystical place.

They walked down a long corridor that led to a large room, the ceiling of this room was as high as the sky with a huge crystal suspended in mid-air with smaller crystals floating around it. There was a faint glow in the center of the crystal that pulsated. Immortal Xiao Ling walked towards the Crystal before stopping and turning to look at Ah Chun when she was only a few meters away.

"This inheritance is the type to allow one's comprehension skills to be enhanced by many folds. What I am passing on to you is the innate comprehension skills that my original body had. It will enable your mystic eye to see through and comprehend what others can not. For those on the path of cultivation, this is better than any treasure that one could receive. This is especially true for those who wish to reach immortality. From the looks of it, this is something that you already understand. I am sure during the samsara you came to this understanding yourself." Immortal Xiao Ying was right Ah Chun had to come to this understanding many times in her countless lives.

In order to reach immortality, one had to understand and comprehend their dao's and take those dao's and comprehend the law behind them. Law energy was something that lower realm cultivators would find unfathomable. With a simple wave of a hand, an immortal would be able to slaughter countless lives of lower realm cultivators.

"As senior says I did have to come to this understanding many times during my samsara." Ah Chun was not surprised that Immortal Xiao Ying could guess such a thing. Ah Chun had noticed that Immortal Xiao Ying had been watching her every action.

Immortal Xiao Ying smiled but did not say anything more. The faint glow on the crystal grew brighter and the brighter it got the more Ah Chun lost control of her body. Her body rose into the air only stopping when Ah Chun was at the center of the suspended crystal. A ray of light shot directly into Ah Chun's forehead entering her soul sea. "Ahhh!" Ah Chun felt excruciating pain as her mystic eye was broken down and started to reconstruct itself. Ah Chun felt as if her soul was being ripped out. Her whole body was drenched in sweat as her face paled. The cold expressionless face was now showing traces of agony.

Streams of light slowly formed a new eye, as the new eye formed the pain slowly decreased before completely disappearing. A golden mystic eye now replaced her old mystic eye, not only that but her regular eyes now had a faint golden glow to them. Immortal Xiao Ying was startled when she saw this. She saw the glow in Ah Chun's eyes and whispered: "Golden thousand eyes..."

Golden thousand eyes was a rare type of mystic eye and it was very hard to acquire such an eye. Those who possessed the golden thousand eyes were all well-known geniuses who would stand at the pinnacle even in the immortal realms. To see such a thing happening to Ah Chun Immortal Xiao Ying was very happy that it was Ah Chun who received her inheritance. Even she, Immortal Xiao Ying was never able to construct such a mystic eye.

Finally, the process finished and Ah Chun slowly descended to the ground. Immortal Xiao Ying walked up to her with a faint smile on her face and asked: "How do you feel?"

"Like things are much clearer than before. I thank senior for bestowing me with such a gift." Ah Chun said as she bowed her head.

Ah Chun was really grateful for this inheritance. Being able to have comprehension abilities on such a high scale will benefit her cultivation in many ways. It will allow her cultivation to rise by leaps in bounds as well as allow her to learn techniques and arts easier than before and as her cultivation progresses it will help when she reaches the dao root realm and all realms above that.

"Now that you have gained my inheritance I will now pass on to you the secret art that I promised. I did not plan to pass this onto anyone since it is an art that is hard to comprehend. But I think with your golden thousand eyes it will be easy for you." Ah Chun was not sure if she had heard Immortal Xiao Ying correctly. During her samsara, she had heard of the golden thousand eyes and it was a legendary mystic eye that was very hard to obtain. Cultivators would kill to find a method to obtain it. But she did not think anything of it since it was just an illusion. But Immortal Xiao Ying next words cleared up her speculation as if she knew what Ah Chun was saying. "Illusions and dreams all have some truth to them. Now close your eyes I will give you the secret art, Dreamscape..."