Immortal Secret Art Dreamscape

Immortal Xiao Ying lifted her finger and shot a light of energy into the space between Ah Chun's brows. Ah Chun only felt a stinging headache as she suddenly had a rush of information appear in her mind. This was none other than the cultivation method for the secret art dreamscape. But this was no ordinary secret art it was actually an immortal secret art, something that could not be found in this realm!

Ah Chun was actually very excited as she processed the information. This art was an eye technique that would bring people into a dream-like illusion where the person who executed the art could control every aspect of the illusionary world. Secret arts were considered secret arts because they are able to use the elements of the world, although they can still be considered a technique in a sense they still had their differences. That difference was that techniques came from one's cultivation methods while secret arts were cultivated separately and had no actual impact on one's cultivation realm.

The upside to all of this is that if one had high enough comprehension skills they could take a secret art and merge it with their cultivation method techniques. The only exception to this was weapon techniques. But weapon techniques are just the fundamentals that are learned in the beginning. When one reaches the Dao Root realm they would then be able to extend the weapon techniques with their comprehension and allow one to do things like split mountains with just a thought.

"What do you think?" Immortal Xiao Ying asked as she watched Ah Chun closely. Although her expression barely changed she could tell that Ah Chun was in deep thought as she digested the information on the secret art.

"I never would have imagined that you would pass me such a powerful immortal secret art." Ah Chun bowed her head and cupped her hands. She was truly grateful to Immortal Xiao Ying for passing her this art.

"Mmm… I did promise that I would pass you a secret art. Since you have the thousand golden eyes, dreamscape is a perfect match for you. I hope it can assist you well in your future endeavors. I just wish I could see it happen with my own eyes." Immortal Xiao Ying had a look of disappointment. She truly wished she could watch this young girl grow. She wanted to see what changes this girl brought with her step by step.

Ah Chun thought for a minute and said: "Is there no way for you to leave this place. I might be wrong but, even if you are just a strand consciousness, you should be able to roam the realms if you bind yourself to something. "

"I am already bound to this crystal palace… Unless one is able to take control of the crystal palace by refining it, it would be impossible for me to leave this space..." Immortal Xiao Ying knew that this was an almost impossible feat. The crystal palace was crafted by her and is a high-grade immortal treasure.

"Senior I may not be able to refine such a treasure now but in the future, I will be able to. At that point, I promise to come back and take you from this place so that you can roam the outside worlds once again. Think of it as my thanks for everything you have done for me today." Ah Chun was not saying this on a spur of the moment basses, she really wanted to repay Immortal Xiao Ying for all she has done for her.

"Then I shall wait here for the day that you return." A smile appeared on Immortal Xiao Ying's face, her heart was filled with gratitude. Although she was just a strand of consciousness she still had a will of her own and waiting a few years or even tens of years meant nothing to an immortal cultivator.

"Un… Like I said before, I promise that I will be back one day to bring you out of here. Senior once again thank you for everything you have done for me." Ah Chun once again cupped her hands and bowed to Immortal Xiao Ying before turning around and walking towards the crystal palaces exit.

Immortal Xiao Ying watched the little girl's back as it got smaller and smaller, she whispered: "Take care of yourself..."

There was no need for Ah Chun to climb down the chain this time there was a floating platform that took her back to the entrance to the cave that she came in from. Once she exited out back into the Dark Forest, Ah Chun remembered the jobs she took from the Feng Gong Pavilion. She took out the two pieces of paper that had the information on it to find that it was way past the date the job was allocated for. Ah Chun could only helplessly shake her head. But it was not like she needed the reward all that much now anyway. The old her might have thought that she did not have enough spirit stones to last a full two years. But the her now knew it was more than enough. Right now she just had to find a nice quiet spot to cultivate and prepare herself for Dragon Mist Realm that was coming up. She needed to learn at least the first level of the dreamscape art. So that she had at least something to work with besides her dancing lotus technique. With her plan decided Ah Chun tapped her foot and headed towards the Dark Forest's exit.