The Wang Clan Makes A Move

As soon as Ah Chun exited the woods she was surrounded by five Qi Sea Realm cultivators. They were all staring at her with murderous looks in their eyes. One of the male cultivators walked forward and looked at her before snorting and saying. "We thought you would hide in the forest forever! Have you decided to come out and face your crimes?"

Ah Chun was a bit startled by this she had not remembered committing any crimes that she knew of. Ah Chun's cold eyes gazed at the five cultivators in front of her. Her eyes made them feel a slight chill run down their backs. It was if she was peering into their souls. After a few seconds, Ah Chun finally opened her mouth and said: "What crime have I committed to have five First Stage Qi Sea Realm cultivators come search for me. I have been in the Dark Forest for the past half-year I do not see how I had any time to commit any crimes." As Ah Chun spoke her voice was not loud but was not low either. There was an air of dominance to her voice as if she was the one who stood above all.

"Don't lie! Six months ago you humiliated our young master." Another male cultivator shouted he was angered by the tone of Ah Chun's voice.

The conversation between Ah Chun and the five cultivators had caused people to take notice and a crowd started to form as they stood off to the side to watch the show. Such scenes were a daily occurrence at the entrance of the Dark Forest. Mainly due to people fighting over rare herbs with an occasional dispute over treasures.

"And who is this young master of yours?" Ah Chun could really not remember humiliating anyone recently.

"Wang Chen of the Wang Clan!" Upon hearing the name Wang Chen Ah Chun finally remembered the boy she sent flying with a single slap.

When the spectators heard the names Wang Chen and Wang Clan they all felt pity for the Ah Chun. She was so young but was now being hunted by the Wang Clan. Wang Chen was known for his overbearing behavior he had done all kinds of heinous acts. And now this Wang Chen was out to get Ah Chun, the spectators could only sigh for her bad luck.

"Wang Chen the one who did not know when to keep his mouth shut that I taught a lesson to some time ago. Hmm… So what crime did I commit?" Hearing Ah Chun's words caused the Wang Clan cultivators faces to turn red with anger. Ah Chun may have said her words casually but they also came across in a mocking manner, basically saying: "So what if I hit your young master what can you do about it."

"Your courting death! Even if you do not want to admit to your crimes you will not live past today anyway." After finishing his words all five Wang Clan cultivators drew their swords and lunged at Ah Chun.

Ah Chun stood there calmly summoning out the Slaughter of Time. A small smile broke out on her expressionless face, during her samsara she remembered that the thing she loved most was fighting. Tempering her skills to the utmost limits. Although she loved fighting she would never start a fight herself unless the other party had done something to her or her loved ones. But when she did fight it was always a fight to the death. Only when your life was on the line, would you be able to break through your limits.

Ah Chun watched as one of the male cultivators slashed down their sword at her head. She easily sidestepped the sword and thrust out her sword stabbing the male cultivator in the neck. The male cultivator's eyes widened in disbelief he did not think that today would be his last day alive and that he would be killed effortlessly by such a young girl. Ah Chun pulled her sword out of the male cultivator's neck causing blood to pour from his wound. This scene caused the crowd to be stunned. They could tell all that the five cultivators from the Wang Clan were very powerful and thought that this little girl was doomed but who would have thought she killed one of them as if she was killing a fly!

"With such little ability, you came here to kill me? This is really laughable! But since all of you said you want to kill me do not think about leaving this place alive. I will send you all to see King Yama myself!" Ah Chun coldly stated. Her cold gaze locked onto a female cultivator as her body flickered appeared in front of the female cultivator, she then thrust out with her sword stabbing female cultivator in the neck as well. That female cultivator did not even have a chance to scream as she fell to the ground dead. Ah Chun's skills with the sword were now something that had been honed for tens of tens of thousands of years due to the time she spent in her samsara even though it was not real to her it was real and it showed by how well she handled her sword as if she was an old master.

The crowd sucked in a breath of air as they thought the little girl was very decisive. Not even sparing a second thought as she reaped the lives of the Wang Clan cultivators. But for Ah Chun who had lived countless lives within the illusion of the samsara, her demeanor was not of a little girl. She did not care who you were or what clan or sect you came from. If you wanted to kill her she would kill you first and if she could not kill you she would give her all to escape until she can come back when she is stronger to kill you!

In a matter of seconds, there was only one male cultivator left from the Wang Clan. The Male cultivator who was left looked at his companions who were now laying on the ground dead and his face paled he dropped his sword and turned to dash away. Ah Chun saw this and chased after him as she said: "You want to run I don't think so!" Ah Chun's cultivation was much higher than him by four stages so how could he get runaway from her. She quickly caught up to male cultivator and cleanly swiped her sword across the male cultivator's neck causing a line of blood to appear as he dropped dead to the ground before his blood spilled out creating a puddle. Ah Chun flicked the blood off her sword before recalling it. She then went to each corpse and took their interspatial rings and any other valuables they might have had on them before keeping them into her own interspatial ring. Afterward, when Ah Chun looted the last body she stood up and faced the crowd, there was no expression on her face the faint smile she showed earlier was now gone. Her cold eyes scanned the crowd before she turned away and calmly walked away heading towards Moon Clave City.