Cultivating A Dream

"Here it is." Ning Shen had brought Ah Chun to a secluded location near the Dark Forest called the Broken Sword Mountains. It was a mountain range that if one looked at it from the sky they would be able to see an outline of a broken sword.

The area Ning Shen and Ah Chun were in now was located around the fourth peak inside the mountain range and was hard to find due to the location being obscured by overgrowth. It was a very quiet location with a lake that had a waterfall showering down into it. To the right of the lake was a cave entrance that seemed to have been made by a previous cultivator who had stayed here at some point and time.

"Jin this place is perfect." Ah Chun said her cold eyes softening and a smile appeared on her emotionless face.

The sight of that smile stunned Ning Shen. Ever since Ah Chun had come out of her samsara she always had a cold emotionless look on her face. But now her smile was like the sun casting rays of warmth on whoever saw it. For Ah Chun, there were only a few people she would show her real emotions to now. Her new mother and master Mei Liling, Zhi Rou, Yu Yan and of course the boy standing in front of her now. This was all due to the accumulated experiences she had during her samsara, it had completely flipped her personality.

"There is a cave right over there that you can cultivate in. I will stay here to make sure no one will disturb you. You do not have much time until the Dragon Mist Realm opens. So you need to make good use of this time." Ning Shen said as he pointed over to the cave.

"Un! Thanks, Jin." Ah Chun thought that this was just like Ning Shen doing whatever he could to make her happy even though they had just met he was already acting like the Ning Shen in her samsara.

"What thanks? We are friends are we not?" Ah Chun smiled as nodded her head and said: "Of course."

As Ah Chun turned and walked towards the cave she whispered: "Friends... For now anyway." As she sneakily gave a sly smile.

Ah Chun really wished she could hurry and grow up. Although she will age slowly she knows that time will pass by quickly. For cultivators spending years or even tens of tens of years at a time in seclusion was a normal thing. Time meant nothing to cultivators before Ah Chun underwent the baptism of samsara she was always worried about her current appearance. But before she reaches the immortal realm she will still age. And reaching such a realm was not easy so she had plenty of time. As long as she kept progressing without losing her will to be the strongest she would never go against her vow to the heavens.

Ah Chun sat down with in the cave in a lotus position. She quickly entered a state of meditation as she read over the secret art dreamscape in her mind. Ah Chun read the cultivation method for the secret art dreamscape over and over again for three full days and nights. Cultivating a secret art was not an easy thing to do. One must first comprehend the basics of the secret art without this first step of understanding one would never be able to fully learn the secret art.

"So I need to first enter a dream-like state and cultivate in it, in order to be able to use this art. But how does one know they are actually cultivating it if they are in a dream? What if you dream that you actually are cultivating it but in reality, you are not?" Ah Chun silently mused.

Ah Chun knew this would be hard but this level of difficulty was really high. Dreams were almost impossible to control. But according to this, she would need to cultivate the dream while in a dream. Once she accomplished this she would then able to use this dream and flood people's minds with it creating an illusionary dreamscape with just one look. But this also depended on how strong one's will was. If they had a strong will it would not be as effective and would only cause a small state of confusion. But that confusion can allow one, time to execute an attack. Weak-willed people could end up stuck in the illusion and would not know what was going on around them. It was really a frightening secret art. When one cultivated this to the last layer one could make the dreams, reality and manifest it in the real world.

Ah Chun stayed in her state of meditation for a full month without moving. On this day her cold eyes opened. If one were to look into her eyes they would be mesmerized by the purple clouds that swirled around in them along with the faint golden glow. Her eyes were truly a sight to be seen. Ah Chun had finally broken through to the first layer of the secret art dreamscape. She did stop there though, she immediately closed her eyes again and started to circulate her Heavenly Divine Lotus cultivation method. She still had a few months left before the Dragon Mist Realm opened. Now that she was able to break through to the first layer of her secret art she wanted to now try to break through to the second layer of her cultivation method. Her goal when she reached the Dragon Mist Realm was to rank first in the rankings. She figured she would have a chance now that she can use her secret art.