A Quiet Time

Ah Chun kept cultivating month after month. During this time she would pause ever so often to talk with Ning Shen. Although Ning Shen was in disguise and Ah Chun knew who he really was. She did not expose him especially since she could use it against him later on. For Ning Shen though he was very surprised at how nice Ah Ch was being to him. He already figured she knew who he was before, but now he was not a hundred percent sure with how nice she was being towards him. If anything he thought she would be trying to find a way to get even with him. This thought did cross Ah Chun's mind at one point but she decided to let it slide. She could only curse herself for not being older at this time. Due to the samsara, she was basically an adult in a child's body. Her mentality was that of an adult and Ning Shen's mentality was still that of a young boy. So she had no choice but to wait until they were older to actually express her feelings to him.

Putting feelings aside she really did enjoy this quiet time they were having. She would cultivate and he would stay by her side guarding her. Besides their conversations that they had the two would also spar against each other. These spars were of huge benefit to Ah Chun as she was getting more and more comfortable using the secret art dreamscape and combining it with her swordplay.

The sword techniques she was using now were not something that Mei Liling taught her. It was a style she had learned in her samsara. If you were watching her from a spectator point of view you would think she was dancing as she fought. This style really complemented her cultivation method's dancing lotus movement technique. It was almost as if she was a fairy who danced freely on the battlefield.

Three months into her seclusion Ah Chun finally broke through to the second layer of her cultivation method. Ah Chun was very happy about this because she not only had her strength increased but she also got a new technique. This new technique was called lotus palm it allowed one to condense a lotus in their palm using their spirit power and strike out with it with their palm. Unlike an ordinary palm strike that would cause just internal damage to one's enemy. The lotus palm would actually explode on contact causing both internal and external damage to one's enemy. The size of the lotus depended on how much spiritual power one was able to put into it. It was actually a terrifying ability for those of the same realm able to break enemies defenses in an instant.

Ah Chun spent her last two months of seclusion sparing more than cultivating in order to learn how to fight with her new techniques and arts. By the last day, she was very happy with her progress the only thing she was somewhat disappointed about was that she did not break through to the next stage of Qi Sea yet, but this was to be expected since when one hit the Qi Sea realm it could take many years to break through one realm. For Ah Chun, she was special on how fast she cultivated but since she just had a breakthrough not long ago it would take some time before she broke through again.

Since this was the last night she would be here Ah Chun did not cultivate or spar, instead she had Ning Jin set up a fire for the two of them to sit around. Ah Chun wanted to have a quiet time with Ning Shen where they can talk the night away. "Jin what are your plans after this?" Ah Chun asked as she stared at the flickering flames in front of her.

"No plans at all I was actually going to ask you the same. I was thinking since you do not know much about the primordial lands that we could stick together and explore it while we temper our selves." Ning Shen was really enjoying Ah Chun's company. He had really enjoyed the past five months that they have spent together. Although he had already claimed Ah Chun as his wife in his head he knew that it would still be a long road before that ever happened. But besides that, his Aunt Mei Liling had asked him to protect her. Since that was the case and they got along really well why not travel together? That way he could protect her out in the open with no need for hiding in the shadows like he was before.

"That sounds good to me. I plan to travel a bit more even after my two years is up in order to temper myself more. Where do you want to head to next?" Ah Chun smiled, she was really happy he suggested this. This way she would not need to part with him so soon. If he had not suggested it she would have but it made her happy when he was the one who suggested it first.

"Where ever you want to go I will just follow along. No matter how long it is for." Ah Chun looked up at Ning Shen her eyes softened, even the words he was saying were the same form her samsara. Having him near had always made her heart feel warmth during her countless lives. Ah Chun mentally decided she would do whatever she could to make sure he would not have to sacrifice himself for her this life. Whether this was reality or an illusion Ah Chun did not care. Everything that happened to her during her samsara's was real to her. Her feelings for Ning Shen were real to Ah Chun and she would take it slowly as they rebuild their relation from the start once again.

"Let's go back to Moon Clave City to prepare before heading towards the Dragon Mist Realm." When Ning Shen heard Moon Clave City a light streaked across his eyes he had forgotten about the Wang Clan. He had a feeling that there would be an incident when they returned to the city. But even so, as long as the Wang Clan did not go against Qin Sha's warning then Ah Chun should be able to handle it.

"Ok, then we will set off in the morning." Ah Chun nodded her head as she went back to staring at the flames of the fire. A faint smile formed across her lips as she thought: 'Quiet times were to be cherished.'