
Early morning and the dew on the leaves and grass underfoot had yet to dry up. Two figures could be seen as they slowly walked towards the exit for the Broken Sword Mountains. They were in no hurry as they were lost in their own little world as they talked. They would only stop to look at the scenery or to kill a demonic beast that decided to try its luck and attack them. When they had reached the second mountain peak there was a pair of prying eyes staring at them from a distance.

"Master they have been spotted by the second mountain peak." A male cultivator said as he stood in front of a middle-aged man.

"Since that little bastard had the gall to humiliate my son and kill our members, I will make sure she does not live past today." This middle-aged man was named Wang Chu the father of Wang Chen.

"Master the Patriarch said not to kill her..." The male cultivator shivered in fear, he had been there that day that those experts showed up. He knew that those experts must have been very strong to the point that even the Patriarch had to be humble in front of them.

"That old man has grown too soft. If this little bastard does not die today then my name is not Wang Chu!" Wang Chu roared.

"But..." The male cultivator wanted to say something but was quickly interrupted by Wang Chu.

"No buts! Get the men ready! Take half of them and circle around to the back of that little bastard! Do not let her escape!" The male cultivator could only sigh, he had no choice but to follow orders.

Of course, the little bastard that Wang Chu was talking about was none other than Ah Chun. Who was still chatting away happily to the young boy beside her. The young boy, of course, was Ning Shen disguised as Yu Jin. As they were walking and talking Ning Shen stopped his steps and grabbed Ah Chun's hand pulling her behind him.

"Jin what's wrong!?" Ah Chun exclaimed. Ning Shen's action had caused Ah Chun a start but when she saw ten cultivators standing before her she understood why. Her eyes turned cold as soon as she saw them and she no longer showed any expression on her face.

"What do you guys want?" Ning Shen asked as he stared at the cultivators in front of him.

"We want the girl that is behind you. She killed some of our members so she has to pay for what she has done. We have no need for you so you can leave but she has to stay behind." The male cultivator said in an arrogant voice as he pointed at Ah Chun.

After hearing the male cultivators words Ning Shen could figure out that they were from the Wang Clan since the only people that Ah Chun had killed were from the Wang Clan. Thinking on this he sent Ah Chun a voice transmission saying "They are all Stage Nine Qi Sea realm. If things get rough find a chance to escape."

Ah Chun who was behind Ning Shen smiled inwardly and her hearth felt warm from Ning Shen's concern and protectiveness. But she did not answer right away because her cold eyes were staring at the ten extra cultivators that had just appeared behind them. Ah Chun could tell that every one of these cultivators were Stage Nine Qi Sea cultivators. 'This Wang Clan thinks pretty highly of me to send so many people after me.' Ah Chun silently mused. She knew after killing those other Wang Clan members that they would not let her off easily. So she was actually expecting this outcome but she did not think they would send so many.

After thinking for a few seconds she answered: "You take the ten in the front and I will take the ten in the back as long as they do not exceed the Stage One Qi World we should be fine. I have fought a third staged Qi World realm cultivator before although Iwon I was still badly injured at the time and since then my fighting prowess as gone up substantially so I should be able to kill a Stage One of Qi World with just a bit of effort."

Ah Chun's words made Ning Shen shake his head as he thought 'This little thing loves to fight.' A smile appeared on his face as he said: "Then be careful I will cover the front." Ah Chun nodded as she summoned the Slaughter of Time causing Ah Chun's killing intent soar.

Ah Chun's cold eyes gazed at the ten cultivators in front of her as a small smile appeared on her face. She was hoping since they were of higher cultivation they would give her a good fight. To Ah Chun, the ten cultivators in front of her were nothing more than fodder for her to temper herself on and since they were here to kill her, she would not hold back and send them to meet King Yama instead. Without even giving the ten cultivators a warning Ah Chun tapped her foot and appeared in front of one of the male cultivators. Purple clouds manifested hued by the faint golden glow in Ah Chun's cold eyes. With one look the male cultivator was brought into a dream-like state. Ah Chun then thrust out with her sword, stabbing him in the neck. This all happened so fast that the male cultivator did not even know how he had just died. He fell to the ground with his eyes opened in shock.

The effects of the immortal secret art dreamscape were more than Ah Chun had expected. For those in her cultivation realm, she should be able to handle them with no problems. She was very satisfied with how well it worked.

"Kill her!" One of the cultivators recovered from his shock of the scene that had just happened in front of him as he yelled out waking everyone else up. Nine Ninth Stage Qi Sea cultivators looked at each other before all of them lunged at Ah Chun at the same time.