Making A Name For Themselves

Many cultivators who were in the area were drawn to the noise of the battle. They could not help but be awestruck as they watched Ah Chun's movements with her sword. She was truly like a fairy who was dancing on the battlefield. Each movement was like flowing water as she guarded and attacked against the onslaught. At one point Ah Chun used the secret art dreamscape to send one male cultivator into a dream-like state while guarding an attack from another. Her feet twisted and turned as she slipped around a third attacker reaping their life. Not a single wasted movement could be seen in each and every one of Ah Chun's actions. It was as if the sword was attached to her hand as she spun it about reflecting the rays of the sun that gleamed off the surface of the blade. Blood sprayed all around her as she continued her dance.

The crowd of spectators grew bigger and bigger as word got out. No one made a sound as they watched the stunning performance of the young male and young female as the two fought against twenty Qi Sea Realm cultivators. For cultivators of this world, this was an awe-inspiring feat. Most major powers only had at most a one or two Dao Root Realm cultivator as an ancestor who stood in the shadows. Even the Wang Clan Patriarch was only at the Fourth Stage of Qi World. But here they were watching a girl no more than six or seven years old fighting freely as she danced around her enemies as if she was dancing on top of a lake and the young boy next to her was no different he was completely at ease as if he was out for a stroll. Only one thought came to mind as they watched the two fighting and that was that these two were heaven-defying geniuses!

At this time Ah Chun had already killed five of the ten Wang Clan cultivators. She glanced back to see Ning Shen standing there watching her fight. Ah Chun already knew that Ning Shen's cultivation was way higher than hers. She stuck her tongue out at Ning Shen and said: "Don't interfere." While at the same time she blocked an attack without even looking.

"I won't don't worry. It looks like your having a lot of fun." Ning Shen shook his head, he could only smile as he watched this little girl fight with so much joy.

"Un, I am! You just wait right there I will be done in a few." Hearing the two have such a conversation while fighting made the five Wang Clan cultivators that were left faces have black lines running down them. Some of the spectators started to laugh after hearing the conversation between the two. They all had the same thought: 'This little girl has such confidence in herself that she is not even treating this like a life and death struggle but more of a training exercise to temper herself.'

Ah Chun had not used lotus palm at all during this fight so far, she did not want to reveal all her hands in front of so many people. The lotus palm was a very good trump card in case she ever needed it and if you added in the secret art dreamscape, that had no visual form she actually had two trump cards up her sleeve. Ah Chun did not know how many of the spectators were going to be showing up at the Dragon Mist Realm so she wanted to keep them hidden until then.

Ah Chun quickly finished off all but one of the Wang Clan cultivators. She was currently staring down at the male cultivator who was looking at Ah Chun with horror in his eyes. Her cold eyes felt as if they were penetrating deep into his soul. He was so scared that he ended up wetting himself. Ah Chun's eyebrow twitched slightly when she had the smell of urine enter her nose. Her expression did not change until she looked back at Ning Shen who was now laughing. Seeing Ning Shen laugh so happily made her smile. But as she turned her attention back over to the male cultivator from the Wang Clan, her smile faded instantly and was replaced with her cold demeanor as she said: "Go back and tell your clan head that I, Ah Chun am grateful for the people he sent to help me temper myself. Also, leave behind your interspatial ring. Think of it as compensation for making this young lady smell your urine. After that, you can scram!"

The male cultivator did not try to argue he was very angry on the inside but if he said anything to refute the little girl he knew he would die. So he quickly took off his interspatial ring threw it to Ah Chun and hurriedly ran away. This scene caused Ning Shen to laugh even harder he could not help but think that his mentally self-proclaimed future wife was too funny. She was ruthless and decisive to her enemies and at the same time black-bellied enough to slap people in the face that were not even there. He could already imagine the Wang Clan Patriarch screaming in rage when he hears what she said.

At this time one of the spectators a middle-aged man stepped forward and asked: "Who are you two?"

"I'm Ah Chun and this here is Yu Jin." Ah Chun said without any expression her cold eyes gazed at the middle-aged man.

"Are you two part of some power here in the Primordial Lands?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Nope the two of us just wander around. I'm sorry but If you would excuse us, we were actually in a hurry before we got attacked." Ah Chun bowed to the middle-aged man and grabbed Ning Shen's hand pulling him along. Ah Chun could tell that the man was up to something and that he was a lot stronger than those cultivators they had just fought. So instead of staying there to find out what he was after and how strong he was. It would be best to leave at that instant. So she did not wait for a reply and quickly pulled Ning Shen along. Ning Shen, on the other hand, felt her little hand on his and just let her pull him along as a smile appeared on his face.

The middle-aged man watched the two walk away with his face contorted with anger as he mumbled: "Just you wait, you little bastard I will kill you."

That day Ah Chun and Yu Jin(Ning Shen)'s name spread throughout Moon Clave City saying that two young demon level genius had appeared in the city. The story of a young man and young female fighting off twenty Qi Sea Realm cultivators was also being told everywhere one went.