An Assassin In The Night

Pitter patter of feet could be heard all over as people hurried to and fro. Shop vendors shouted out trying to catch the attention of those who passed by. Ah Chun and Ning Shen had stepped into Moon Clave City to see it as bustling as it always was. Ah Chun took the lead as she continued to pull Ning Shen along by the hand and Ning Shen did not resist as he followed behind her. The surrounding people thought the sight of them would be quite cute if the little girl did not have such a cold look in her eyes. But in contrast between the two, the sight was actually funny for some. Ah Chun's cold eyes and expressionless face acted as a ward to keep people away. While Ning Shen who was letting her lead had a big smile on his face that was like the sun warm and welcoming.

It was only halfway through their journey back to Moon Clave City did Ah Chun realize she was holding Ning Shen's hand and pulling him along with her. During her samsara, this was a normal action that she did a lot in her countless lives. It was such a natural thing that she did not even realize she was doing it until a few hours later, on their way back. What made Ah Chun inwardly happy was that Ning Shen did not reject and just allowed her to pull him along. So instead of letting go, she just continued on, hand in hand with the person she loved. Ah Chun could not wait for the day when she was old enough to truly let her feelings show.

"Chunchun where are we headed?" Ning Shen asked.

Pausing her steps Ah Chun thought for a minute before saying: "I was thinking of finding an inn and getting a room so I can take a bath. What about you? What are your plans?"

"I will follow you." Ning Shen said not realizing what he said had sounded wrong.

"You are not following me to take a bath..." Ning Shen face turned red it was now that he figured out that what he had just said sounded really bad. Seeing that embarrassed expression on Ning Chen's face made Ah Chun think that the young Ning Shen was quite cute.

"That's not what I meant, I meant to say that I will get a room to. That way we can rest for the night and handle preparations tomorrow." Ning Shen said as he rubbed his nose trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Okay sounds good." Ah Chun nodded and smiled.

"Since we got a plan then follow me I know a really good inn that sells rank nine demonic beast meat dishes, it would be beneficial to your cultivation. Rank nine and above demonic beasts meat are packed full of Spiritual Qi. Although us immortal cultivators do not need to eat after we pass a certain realm. These types of delicacies taste good and are beneficial to us." Ning Shen said with a smile on his face.

"Now that I think about it I have not eaten anything in a few years besides pills my mother had refined for me to boost my cultivation. Now that I think about it I also have a rank nine Earthen Bear in my interspatial ring that we can roast during our trip to the Dragon Mist Realm. Anyway, lead the way, now you got me wanting to eat something!" Ah Chun thought it was pretty amazing how these past few years she had not eaten anything other than a few pills. She decided she would have to eat more in the future.

Ning Shen led the way until he stopped in front of a building with a sign on it saying Sunny Inn. The first floor was packed with other cultivators who were there just for the food. Luckily Ah Chun and Ning Shen were able to find a table to sit at in the corner of the inn. When the food was served the smell of it flowed into Ah Chun's nose making her almost drool. She had not eaten any food in so long that when she took her first bite of the demonic beast meat and the flavor burst out into her mouth, she decided right then she would make sure to eat a lot more in the future.

Night came and Ah Chun had just finished her relaxing bath. She was now sitting on the bed in a lotus position in the room she rented. A few hours passed and Ah Chun was in the middle of her cultivation when a figure clad in black quietly entered her room. The sword in the figure's hand gleamed in the moonlight as it reflected off its sharp blade. The figure did not waste a single moment when they saw Ah Chun peacefully cultivating. The figure lunged forth thrusting out their sword aiming straight for Ah Chun's neck!