Killing Off Wang Chu

After feeling a presence in her room Ah Chun's eyes abruptly opened to see a sword tip right in front of her. She quickly leaned back as watched the cold tip of the sword pass overhead. She could feel the wind from the thrust of the sword as it passed by. Cold sweat formed on Ah Chun's forehead, she was only a sliver away from dying! But she was not yet out of the water the sword changed directions and swooped down towards her once more. She quickly summoned the Slaughter of Time and raised it up just in time to block the blow. Sounds of metal against metal could be heard as the two swords ground against each other.

The assassin saw that they had failed to deal the finishing blow within their two strikes, the assassin jumped back and stared at Ah Chun with pure rage in their eyes. Ah Chun cold eyes stared at back at the assassin as she released her spirit power to the max. The assassin was a bit startled when they felt the pressure from Ah Chun's spirit power.

Not caring about their identity any more the assassin ripped their mask off and pointed at Ah Chun as they roared out in rage: "Little bastard why won't you just die!"

Ah Chun was a bit stunned when she saw the face under the assassin's mask he was the exact same middle-aged man that had stopped her after the battle in the Broken Sword mountain range. From then until now she understood what was going on. The person in front of her was someone from the Wang Clan. Ah Chun watched the assassin very carefully from the exchange before she could tell the man in front of her was not in the Qi Sea Realm but the Qi World Realm!

"Can I ask sir, for what reason that you are doing this?" Ah Chun calmly spoke not once letting her cold gaze leave the figure in front of her.

"Reason? Reason you say? How many of my clan have you killed this past year and yet you ask for a reason? Just for hitting my son is enough reason to kill you. " The assassin's face was full of rage. Ah Chun could only sigh seemed her speculation was right this man is from the Wang Clan.

"Since you want to kill me so badly you will need to see if you have the ability to first!" Ah Chun said as she took the initiative and stepped forward with her sword in hand.

But at that moment Ah Chun felt a heavy spirit pressure weighing down onto her. The assassin was going all out this time as soon as he saw Ah Chun walking towards him. Even though he was in the Qi World Realm Ah Chun's spirit pressure he felt made him nervous so he was not going to take any risk. The two lunged at each other and once again crossed swords metal on metal screeched as sparkes could be seen as the two swords clashed. But no matter how much strength Ah Chun put into her sword she could not push the assassin away.

The assassin was different from Elder Wan when she fought him. Elder Wan never put his all into the fight when they had fought. Elder Wan was driven mad by Ah Chun and ended up leaving too many openings and did not use his full power. Which is why Ah Chun was able to win even though she did so by sustaining many injuries. But this assassin was using his full power to fight against Ah Chun. Making Ah Chun see the difference when it came to fighting against a higher realm.

Ah Chun had to use both hands to hold her sword otherwise it would definitely be knocked out of her hand and her cultivation with her secret art was not high enough to be effective against this man. She had tried numerous times to use dreamscape but he had not worked once! At this moment Ah Chun felt a bit of dread in her heart she had originally thought she would be okay dealing with a Qi World cultivator but it seemed she was still not strong enough! She had no idea how she was going to get out of this. As she was thinking of ways to retreat she remembered that Ning Shen was right next door. But as she went to open her mouth to yell his name she felt pain in her stomach and wind passing by her ear! The assassin had kicked her and launched her through the second-floor window of the room sending her to the street below.

The sound of broken glass caught the attention of the people on the streets only to see a little girl falling from the sky. Ah Chun hit the ground and coughed up a mouthful of blood. An impact crater could be seen where she had landed. The assassin did not hold back and used his full force with that kick. Ah Chun who was still in the middle of Qi Sea Realm had no way to resist. Ah Chun could feel pain coursing throughout her whole body. She knew she was badly injured this time. She could feel a rampaging force wreaking havoc in her body.

Ning Shen was disrupted from his cultivation when he heard the window next door breaking. He got up and looked out to see Ah Chun laying on the street coughing up blood. Ning Shen's eyes grew red and his spiritual power burst out. Ning Shen looked at the figure who was in the sky looking down at Ah Chun and he knew instantly that man was from the Wang Clan and was in the Qi World Realm the same as him!

"You little bastard this is what you get for going against my Wang Clan! Time for you to die!" The assassin arrogantly stared down at Ah Chun as he yelled. With sword in hand, he started to move towards Ah Chun so that he could deal the finishing blow.

"Oh, you want to kill her?" A voice suddenly floated over.

The assassin felt a great spirit pressure bearing down on him. It suddenly intensified and he was smashed out of the sky to the ground near Ah Chun. He struggled to turn his head only to see a young boy and a man in black behind the young boy standing in the sky above him.

"Did we not tell you that if you send anyone above the Qi Sea realm against her that we would erase your whole clan?" The man behind the young boy said.

Ning Shen landed on the ground walked up to Ah Chun lifting her small body cradling Ah Chun in his arms. A look of pain showed on his face. He did not think that the Wang Clan would try to assassinate her. On top of that, they had sealed off the room she was in so no sounds from the side could be heard outside. If it wasn't for the assassin kicking Ah Chun out the window, he would not have known what was happening to her. Just looking at the pained expression on Ah Chun face made his heart hurt he looked up into the sky and yelled: "Qin Sha kill him!"

The assassin heard Ning Shen's order and his face paled he roared out: "I, Wang Chu wil…" He did not get to finish what he wanted to say before his body exploded. Qin Sha had directly used his spirit power to detonate Wang Chu's dantian.

Ah Chun who was in and out of consciousness weakly opened her eyes and looked up at the young boy. Even though she was in a lot of pain she still showed a smile on her face. She parted her lips and said: "Ning Shen you're late..."