A Moment Between The Two

Fluttering eyelids, a pair of cold eyes stared up at the ceiling. The last thing Ah Chun remembered was being carried gently in Ning Shen's embrace. Recalling that worried look on his face she knew that Ning Shen was probably really worried right now.

"Ning Shen… Hisss!" Ah Chun felt stabbing pain in her stomach.

"Chunchun you're awake! Don't move, your organs are not fully healed just yet." Ning Shen who was at her bedside got up to help her lay back down.

"Ning Shen thank you for saving me... And sorry for not telling you that I already knew who you were." Ah Chun tilted her head and looked over at Ning Shen giving him a warm smile.

"You do not need to say sorry or thank you to me. I have already decided that you will be my wife in the future so it is only normal for me to help you." Ning Shen smiled as he reached his hand out and fixed Ah Chun's hair.

Ah Chun was somewhat startled by Ning Shen's words they were exactly the same as during her samsara. He would always declare that she was his wife so it was only natural to help her. Ah Chun lowered her head and a faint smile appeared on her face. She thought for a second before saying: "Fine if I am your future wife then you will have to stay by my side from now on. Go to the places I go to, see the things that I see, so that we can slowly get to know each other and in the future when we are of age you will have to give me a grand wedding! Oh and if you even look at another girl I will poke out your eyeballs!"

At first, Ah Chun was going to tease Ning Shen a little bit by saying "Who's your future wife!?" But she decided against it. It was better to do things like this. She did not want to hide her feelings even though they were still young, it did not mean they could not spend their time together, growing up and relying on each other. Because of the samsara, her feelings for Ning Shen were engraved into her soul. There was nothing that can change that.

Ning Shen was struck dumb he meant his words in a teasing manner and did not think she would agree to it instantly like this. He figured it would take time for him to get her to agree to such a thing but here she was agreeing to it! A thought came to mind, her samsara, he couldn't help but ask "Chunchun in your samsara were we..?"

"Yes, we were together in each and every one of my ninety-nine lives. It might sound strange since I know it was all just an illusion but to me, it was all real. Every single one of those lives I lived was real to me and in each and every one of those lives you were by my side. We are still very young now and I want to wait until my body looks a lot older before I get married… But that does not mean we can not grow up together and that does not mean we can not stay by each other's side. I know this must sound funny coming from someone who looks so young and is actually only nine years old in reality, but my mentality is that of someone who has lived tens of tens of thousands of years. It's laughable really… So Ning Shen if you are willing to stay by my side and grow up with me until I am older I will become your wife in the future." Ah Chun was a bit embarrassed about what she just said since she was confessing to him but she did not want to hold her true feelings back anymore. Especially not in this world where she could die at any time.

"If that is what it takes for you to become my wife in the future then that is an easy and simple task. It's just… You took all the fun out of me teasing you... " Ning Shen felt a bit dejected, she really had taken all the fun out of it by accepting it so quickly!

"Tease my butt! You think you can tease me? I will be the one to tease you! Humph! Ah! Hisss…" Ah Chun went to put her arms across her chest and forgot that she was injured and moved to quickly which caused pain to shoot right through her.

"Chunchun don't move around too much you are still injured." Ning Shen's eyebrows furrowed. 'Did this silly girl not realize she was still badly injured?'

"Shen, what should we do about the Wang Clan I know that that assassin was sent by them." After her pain relaxed Ah Chun changed the subject to what had happened with the assassin.

"I was going to have Qin Sha go and level the whole place and remove the Wang Clan from Moon Clave City." Ning Shen nonchalantly said. He did not miss how Ah Chun just called his name. He was inwardly happy about this.

"I want to go! I have to see with my own eyes that they are destroyed." Ah Chun said her eyes full of resolution. They had almost killed her there was no way she would let the Wang Clan go.

"No you are still not fully healed. If anything happens and you get hurt again it would cost you your life." Ning Shen shook his head. He could not believe that this girl who could barely move wants to go out to the den of the people who want her dead.

"You can carry me and protect me!" Looking at that stubborn look on Ah Chun's face, Ning Shen could only sigh in defeat. This girl was just being too stubborn.

"Okay but you have to rest for today. You just woke up and have not had much time to heal yet. By tomorrow you should be able to move a lot better, this way you won't be in any pain while I'm carrying you. So behave for now and rest." Ah Chun looked at Ning Shen and smiled. She knew if she acted subborn he would give in easily.

"Un! I'll rest but you have to stay here and keep me company." Ah Chun laid her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes. She used her divine sense to inspect the damage on her body and what she saw made her frown. This damage would take almost a week to fully heal. But she should be fine to move around with help by tomorrow.

"Don't worry, I do not plan to leave your side from now on." Ning Shen said with a smile. He was very happy how this little thing agreed to be his wife in the future. But he was still a bit disappointed that he did not get to tease her more.