Ning Shen Gets A Warning

Night went and morning came Ning Shen was currently feeding Ah Chun some demonic beast meat. Although Ah Chun could move a little bit and could feed herself Ning Shen said she needed to not move as much as possible and continued to feed her. Ah Chun could only smile at his actions, this kind of pampering was something he used to do all the time in her samsara's so she just let him do as he pleased. Ah Chun thought it was weird how similar Ning Shen was to the Ning Shen in her samsara. Samsara's were unexplainable phenomena. Although one could create samsaras with arrays, the reality of it is, is that no one really knows how it actually works. All except the person who created the first samsara array. But these things were something that Ah Chun could care less about at this time. She was busy thinking about the upcoming visit to the Wang Clan.

After Ah Chun was done eating she had Ning Shen go down and ask one of the females from the inn to help her bathe. Ning Shen almost opened his mouth to say he would do it, but realized quickly that, that was not appropriate and just nodded his head and went downstairs. The owner of the Inn's wife was the one who came up and helped Ah Chun. Ning Shen had paid her a lot of spirit stones as compensation for helping Ah Chun and also for the damage to the inn. Once Ah Chun was all cleaned and had a change of clothes on she called Ning Shen back into the room.

"Shen when are we going to leave for the Wang Clan?" Ning Shen thought for a minute before pulling a transmission stone out of his interspatial ring

After sending a bit of his spirit power into the store he said: "Qin Sha how are the movements of the Wang Clan."

"Young Master it seems the death of Wang Chu caused an uproar in the Wang Clan. Wang Chu was Wang Tu's son and the father of Wang Chen. They have gathered all of their Qi World realm clan members and are about to head out to find the Young Miss. They want to drag her back and have her personally bow down to Wang Chu's grave and apologize. Before they crippler her cultivation and sell her off." Qin Sha's voice was filled with anger. To think that they want his Young Masters future wife to bow and apologize to someone who tried to kill her and then punish her by crippling her and selling her off. If it wasn't for the Young Master telling him not to make a move the whole Wang Clan would have already been wiped out!

Hearing Qin Sha's words Ning Shen face became contorted in anger he said: "Keep them there we will be there soon."

When Ah Chun saw Ning Shen using the transmission stone it had dawned on her that she had forgotten to contact her mother Mei Liling. She quickly took her transmission stone out and she only go to say: "Mother..."

"Chun'er you can still remember to contact your mother? It has almost been over a year! I told you to contact me once a month!" Ning Shen heard Mei Liling's voice and stiffened. If there was anyone Ning Shen was afraid of it was none other than his sister's friend Mei Liling.

"Mother a lot happened right after Chun'er arrived Moon Clave City." Ah Chun felt helpless she had no idea how she was going to explain her change in mentality.

"I know already. That brat next to you has been in contact with me the entire time. But you should still have contacted me." Ah Chun could hear Mei Liling sigh as Mei Liling continued: "It's good to hear your voice Chun'er. Remember your Mother loves you and misses you." Mei Liling's words made tears well up into Ah Chun's eyes. She could feel the warmth in her heart. Mei Liling since the day they had met has always treated Ah Chun like her real daughter.

"Mmm... I will make sure to contact you more. But how did you know Ning Shen was by my side?" Ah Chun was a bit confused when Mei Liling said she had talked to Ning Shen already.

"Shen'er is my friend's younger brother. When I found out he was hired to assassinate you before I searched for him and told him to follow you and protect you… What I did not expect was that the little brat would take such a liking to you to where he would ask you to be his wife in the future! You little brat you are there are you not!? Last time you said this to me you immediately cut off the transmission!? Answer me!" On the other end in her Immortal cave in the Heavenly Sword Sect Mei Liling was Currently seething in rage. 'That brat actually asked my daughter to be his wife in the future. He did not even come and ask me for permission first!'

"Aunty I did not mean to cut it off like that I was in a rush when you first contacted me because Chunchun asked for some Demonic beast meat and I did not want to keep her waiting." Ah Chun did not know whether to laugh or cry. Ning Shen just used her as an excuse to escape from being yelled at.

"Humph! Using my daughter as an excuse. Chun'er is it true you said yes?" Ning Shen breathed a sigh of relief. He did not want to get in trouble with his scary aunt!

"Un! I did but we are waiting for when we are older and my body is also older looking." Ah Chun answered with no hesitation.

"Chun'er is this because of the samsara? " Mei Liling had heard from Ning Shen that Ah Chun had undergone a samsara baptism. Mei had never been through a samsara herself but she knew of people who have and that the changes it can do to a person was not simple. But Mei Liling felt a bit of a loss because on this subject. The cute adorable little girl she once knew in one year's time now had the mentality of an adult. She wanted to keep the childish Ah Chun for a while longer but there was nothing she could do about this now.

"Un… The me now has countless lives engraved into my soul. Will Mother come to hate me now?" Ah Chun was somewhat nervous, she did not have this scenario in her samsara. Because in all those countless lives she had never met with Immortal Xiao Ying. Ah Chun could only speculate that this had something to do with the fact that Immortal Xiao Ying was the one who made the array. So right now Ah Chun was really worried that Mei Liling will end up hating her.

"Silly girl no matter how much Chun'er changes you will always be I, Mei Liling's daughter. So even if your feelings for that brat come from the samsara baptism they are still your feelings and Mother will not want Chun'er to go against her feelings. I had actually just finished talking to that brats sister and she is all happy that me and her will be related later on in the future. So if you two want to be engaged then that is fine. Shen'er you hear me?" Ah Chun had tears rolling down her cheeks when she listened to Mei Lilings words. She was very happy that her mother Mei Liling was willing to accept the new her as well.

"Y-Yes Aunty, I can hear you." Ning Shen was very scared right now when he heard Mei Liling mention his sister his whole body stiffened again!

"Listen well then. You sister says if you do anything to ruin this engagement and cause Chun'er to hate you and making it so she can not become family with me she will send you to a male brothel for the rest of your life." Ning Shen's face paled he knew his sister would actually do it too! But at the same time, he sighed in relief since he had no plans to let Ah Chun go.

Mei Liling continued: "Now that was what your sister had to say. Now for what I have to say and this is a warning to you. If you make my Chun'er sad and break her heart or try to force her to do anything against her will... I will hunt you down cut all your limbs off and turn you into a living poison tester during the day. While at night you will suffer from your sister's punishment." Ning Shen had no blood left in his body, he could not understand why his sister and his aunt had to be so vicious towards him!

Ah Chun let out a laugh when she heard all this. She could feel the love. She looked at Ning Shen and asked: "Shen you still want to marry me in the future after hearing all that?" as she gave him a teasing smile.

Seeing that teasing smile Ning Shen could only give up. "Chunchun I will never go back on my words."

Mei Liling heard their conversation and smiled as she said: "Good! Shen'er my daughter is in your care. Make sure nothing happens to her and remind her to contact me once a month and if she can't, you contact me instead to tell me what's going on. Chun'er, Shen'er, I will leave it at that. Chun'er Mother loves you. Make sure you contact me more. When the two of you come back we will have a grand feast. I will be going now. Remember my warning Shen'er!"

"Bye Mother Chun'er loves you too!" Watching the glow on the transmission stone dim Ah Chun looked up at Ning Shen and said: "Looks like we are officially engaged are you regretting it now?" This time she was not asking jokingly she was asking seriously.

"Chun'er I will never regret it, now or even in the future I will never regret it.." A warm smile appeared on Ah Chun's face when Ning Shen called her in such an endearing manner.

Ah Chun eyes softened as she gazed at Ning Shen as she said: "From now on call me like how you just did."

"If that is what you wish then as your fiance I will oblige. But we need to get going Qin Sha is holding off the Wang Clan." Ning Shen said as he walked over to Ah Chun. Ning Shen's face grew serious he truly hated this Wang Clan for what they did to Ah Chun.

"Un. Let's get going." Ah Chun reached her arms up and wrapped them around Ning Shen's neck as Ning Shen gently lifted her off the bed and cradled her into his arms.