What Happened To The Wang Clan?

Ning Shen carried Ah Chun gently in his arms as they flew towards the Wang Clan. The Wang Clan was located on the east side of the city and took up the entire east side. Ah Chun rested her head against Ning Shen's chest as he flew through the sky. When one reached the Qi World Realm one would be able to fly. It was said that when one formed their Qi World that one's natural bindings to the real world were severed allowing one to be able to fly.

Ning Shen held Ah Chun as if she was a precious treasure, very gently but also enough to make sure she was safe and secure. After they had taken off from the inn. Ah Chun had let go of Ning Shens neck letting herself fall into his embrace. She had complete trust in him, she felt safe and secure when he held her.

"Shen, you really promise to always be by my side?" Ah Chun looked up at Ning Shen her eyes filled with uncertainty. Ah Chun felt that she may have come on a little strong earlier. She forgot the Ning Shen in front of her was still young. Although her herself is still young physically her mentality is not which she forgot to realize when she confessed to him.

"Chun'er wherever you go I will be there. If you wanted to kill buddha I will help you hold him down to make it easier for you. If you want to kill the gods I will be your sword. I will soar through the heavens with you or have tea with King Yama himself if you wanted to. Chun'er you are my life from now on. Yes, I might have been surprised at how quickly this all developed but when I became your guard after your mother asked me to. I got to learn the true you. We are engaged now and we will be married in the future, our lives are now connected until our deaths." A bright smile appeared on Ah Chun's face and her cheeks turned a shade of pink. She was very happy by the words Ning Shen just said. She buried her head into his chest quietly saying: "Good..."

Moon Clave City was very vast so vast that it took nearly an hour to get to the east side, where the Wang Clan was located. Well, where the Wang Clan was supposedly located? Ning Shen came to a stop and looked around all he saw was nothing but dirt and rubble. Other than that there was nothing left on the east side of Moon Clave City. There was no sign of any Wang Clan ever being here.

Ah Chun who was in Ning Shen's embrace popped her head out and looked at the apocalyptic scene in front of her and her eyes grew wide. She could not help but ask: "What happened to the Wang Clan?"

"Qin Sha!" Black lines formed on Ning Shen's forehead. He did want to wipe out the Wang Clan but his Chun'er wanted to watch the show but now there was nothing left which meant that there was only one reason… Qin Sha acted beforehand!

A middle-aged man appeared out of nowhere and bowed his head. He looked like a little kid who had just done something wrong and got caught. "You see Young Master they called the Young Miss a slut and I got angry and slightly waved my hand and well the rest is visible for you to see." With just a wave of his hand, the Wang Clan disappeared!

When he had got here the Wang Clan had already started to move out. Qin Sha stood in front of them and halted their movements. Wang Tu who was in the group with the other Wang Clan members shouted at Qin Sha saying that Ah Chun was a little slut and that she needed to die to make amends for his son's death. When Qin Sha heard Wang Tu call Ah Chun a slut. He grew angry and waved his hand. Which in turn just so happened to completely annihilate the whole Wang Clan not even leaving one decedent. Qin Sha looked up at Ning Shen and said: "Yong Master I apologize, I used a bit to much strength because I was angered by them."

Listening to the story Ah Chun was amazed at Qin Sha's strength. She took a peak of Ning Shen and a teasing smile formed on her lips as she said: "Since Qin Sha is so strong I maybe I should marry him instead."

Qin Sha's face turned pale and quickly said: "Young Miss please don't say that this old man will lose his head."

Ning Shen who had seen the teasing smile out of the corner of his eye smiled inwardly. 'Trying to make me jealous let's see about that...'

"Since that's the case Qin Sha make sure you take good care of her in the future." Ah Chun's smile froze she looked up at Ning Shen with a worried look on her face only to see Ning Shen looking down at her sticking his tongue out at her.

"Ning Shen! If you dare to get rid of this Great Aunt this Great Aunt will hunt you down and beat you up!" Ah Chun yelled lightly punching Ning Shen as she puffed out her cheeks. She could not believe that Ning Shen just bullied her! She was supposed to be the bully but he turned the tables on her!

"Fine, fine you win. But your not allowed to say that you will marry another man again." Ah Chun stuck her tongue out at him and said: "Okay I won't but what if I say I want to marry a woman instead."

Ning Shen pretended to be in deep contemplation Ah Chun waited for a long time but never got an answer she got antsy and shouted: "Ning Shen!"

"Chun'er I am just kidding. Be it, man or woman, you are not allowed to say you are marrying them. The only one you can marry is me and me alone. As I will only marry you and you alone." Hearing these words Ah Chun 's puffed out cheeks sunk back down until they were back to normal. She then nodded her head before pushing her head back into his chest.