Departure From Moon Clave City

After word got out that the Wang Clan got wiped out completely. The news of the event spread quickly throughout Moon Clave City. The Other powers in the city that were being suppressed by the Wang Clan started vying for power. This quickly escalated into a small scale war There was much blood shed that dyed the streets of Moon Clave City red.

This of course is an event that happened in the future, as of right now Ah Chun was back at the inn she had been staying at being hand fed slices of Blue Star fruit. Blue Star fruit was a rare spirit fruit that grew in area's abundant with Spiritual Qi. The best quality of this fruit was that it would infuse your organs with Spiritual Qi allowing them to not only heal faster but also strengthens them to an extent. Just one of these fruits on auction would sell for one hundred thousand medium spirit stones. One sliver of this fruit was enough to receive its benefits. Ah Chun who was leisurely eating such a high priced rare fruit had no idea of its cost. All she knew was that Ning Shen was feeding her something that tasted good so she was happy to eat it.

A week passed and Ah Chun had finally fully healed. For this past week Ning Shen had fed Ah Chun a full blue star fruit a day. Her organs were strengthen quite a bit due to this. Ning Shen had pulled out all the stops to acquire so many fruits but to him it was well worth it if it could benefit Ah Chun. He did not want to see her that close to death again.

"Chun'er now that you are healed up, we should make our way to the Dragon Mist Realm. It will be opening in two months." Ning Shen said through the door, while Ah Chun who was currently taking a bath.

"Un! Shen, how do you want to travel, fly or walk?" Ning Shen pondered for a while before saying: "If we walk it will take us one month to get there. If we fly it will be a little less."

"Then let's walk then I need the exercise anyway. I have been stuck in bed for a week now without being able to walk around all that much." Ah Chun got out of the bathtub dried herself off before putting on a white Hanfu. "You can come in now."

Ning Shen walked into the room that now, smelt like flora fragrance. He looked at the girl who was sitting on the bed drying her hair. "Then let's walk then. By walking we can also gather news about who else is heading to the Dragon Mist realm."

"Okay sounds good I wouldn't mind knowing who all else will be going in. They will end up being our enemies and having a tactic advantage of knowledge on your enemies is a good thing." Ning Shen walked forward and took the towel from Ah Chun and started to slowly pat her hair dry.

"One thing we do not need to worry about is our strength. At most the strongest person that can enter the Dragon Mist Realm will be me. Since I am the Second Stage of Qi World." Ning Shen said with a bit of arrogance in his voice.

"As expected of my future husband he's strong and powerful!" Ah Chun said in a teasing manner as she pumped her fist in the air. Hearing the sarcasm in her voice Ning Shen reached up and pinched her cheek.

"Shen!" Rubbing her cheek Ah Chun bottom lip started to pout. 'Even though my mentality has changed people still pinch my cheeks!'

Ning Shen did not say anything instead he knelt down and lifted Ah Chun's little foot and slid a shoe on to it. "Shen I can do it myself..." Even though this entire week Ning Shen had been pampering Ah Chun left and right, she still felt a bit embarrassed at times. Ning Shen did not reply to her, he just quietly lifted and held her other white dainty little foot in his hand and slipped the other shoe on. He did this in a way that it seemed like what he was doing was the most natural thing to do. Ah Chun could only helplessly smile.

Ning Shen stood up smiled at Ah Chun and said: "Let's head out then. There is a river a days walk from here that we can camp at for tonight. If we leave now we can make it before nightfall. I also want to try my Chun'ers cooking."

"Okay then let's head out then. But I can't promise my cooking will taste good…" Ah Chun jumped off the bed and grabbed Ning Shen's hand as she led him out of the room. Qin Sha who was in the hallway saw the two walking by and quietly followed along.