Teaching The Wen Clan A Lesson

Ah Chun's eyes were cold and expressionless. She hated men who would force themselves onto woman and what's more this girl was very young looking! "So what is your answer will you tell or will I need to kill you both here and now?"

"I-I-It's The young master of the Wen Clan Wen Xinyi!" Ah Chun had released a massive burst of killing intent towards the two men. One of them could not bear it and quickly gave up their young master.

"Mmm… Thanks..." Ah Chun's body flickered again arriving back to where Meimei and Qing'er were standing. The two men who were still staring at the spot that Ah Chun was once standing had no idea that they were already dead. Ah Chun walked out of the restaurant as the doors closed behind her, the two men's heads slid off their necks causing a stream of blood to shoot up towards the ceiling.