The Missing Mei Liling

Ah Chun, Meimei, and Qing'er all arrived at The Heavenly Sword Sect entrance. Ah Chun had wanted to surprise her mother so she did not tell Mei Liling that she was coming. She took out a transmission stone and sent her Law Energy into the stone. "Mother! It's Chun'er! I bet you can't guess where Chun'er is right now!" 

Ah Chun waited for a reply. Mei Liling was never very far from the transmission stone. Normally she would answer within minutes. But now fifteen minutes had passed and Mei Liling still had not replied. "Mother!?"

 Not getting an answer Ah Chun was starting to get nervous. She looked at Meimei and Qing'er and motioned for them to follow her. They flew into the sect not caring for all the eyes that were on them. They only got a little way up the mountain when three elders flew out and stood in the air in front of them. "Who are you and why are you invading our Heavenly Sword Sect?" One of the elders asked.