Ancient City Part Three

Ah Chun's head suddenly started throbbing with pain. She was struggling to keep her consciousness. The voice that said "wake up" had penetrated deep into her soul sea. After staggering a little bit, Ah Chun was finally able to stabilize herself. The voice that spoke was vaguely familiar but Ah Chun could not remember who it was. After retracting her hand from the orb Ah Chun dropped to the floor and sat quietly trying to collect herself. Mei Yan who was off to the side looked at Ah Chun with a worried look. She had no idea what just happened. All of a sudden her junior sister seemed to have blacked out and almost fell to the ground. 

"Junior Sister...?" Mei Yan finally spoke up.

Wiping the sweat from her brow, Ah Chun smiled wryly and said: "I am fine. For the most part. But for some reason, this place has something to do with me. I just do not know what it is. I know one thing though I will not touch this orb again anytime soon."