The Ancient Nine Tailed Fox Clan Inheritance Part One

Memories of a bygone era flashed in Ah Chun's mind. Strange scenes of ancient demonic beasts ravaging a small island. Though a bit larger than what she has seen, the island that was being attacked was the island she was currently on. These ancient large demonic beasts destroyed everything in sight from small villages all the way to the point that they converged onto a large city in the middle of the island. One of the demonic beasts took human form and landed on the largest of the demonic beasts there. "You human scum! You kidnapped our princess to satisfy your own lust! Even this city and all the surrounding villages with all its people are your own bloodline. You mate not only with your wives but your children too! Calling you human is looking down on humans themselves. You're nothing but a monster! A disease of our mortal realm! This day we will wipe out any traces that you ever lived!"