The Search Part One

Ah Chun turned her head to see the same old man she had met before in the back alley when she beat that young master. He had a big grin on his face as he walked in with his hands behind his back. "I can help you find anyone. As long as they were in Black Mountain City, I can find out where they are or where they might have gone."

Ah Chun looked at the cheeky smile on the old man's face and knew he wanted something. "What do you want in return?"

"Nothing much, I just want you to call me Grandpa Zi instead of old man and I want to ask you to knock my grandson around every time you see him. You wouldn't believe that after such a beating from you he still went out and caused more trouble. For these two simple requests, I will find whoever you want." The Grandpa Zi said as he sat down across from Ah Chun, picked up a cup of tea and sipped it.

Ah Chun smiled and shook her head. "Then Grandpa Zi, I will accept your terms."