The Search Part Two

In the room, Ah Chun sat on the big bed and crossed her legs. Mei Yan followed suit and sat down next to her while Xu Wei stood by the door like a statue. "We will only wait around here until Grandpa Zi returns with some news. So rest up. Senior Sister, you should keep cultivating. I will be doing the same. With Big Brother Xu here no one will mess with us."

Since her second rebirth and meeting Xu Wei she has felt a lot safer. Though she would still cause a bit of trouble Ah Chun never did so without a plan or at least came up with one as she needed. She also knew that she relied heavily on Xu Wei. Because of his existence, she felt she would be able to ascend to the immortal realm without an issue.

Ah Chun finally had time to try to get in contact with Li Ju. She circulated her spirit power until she finally felt her connection with the palace. "Li Ju!"

"Haha! Little Lass! I haven't heard from you in a while." Li Ju chuckled.