First Meeting

"Oh? You believed me so readily?" Bao Chen looked Ah Chun up and down with great interest.

"For someone who exudes so much chaos qi, there is no way you are not the one I was looking for. Plus, you came to find me, did you not?" Ah Chun returned Bao Chen's question with one of her own. 

"This is true! Haha!" Bao Chen smiled. He liked this girl already. 

"Can I ask what is going on over in the neighboring country?" Ah Chun was still curious about the powerful entities she was feeling that were battling it out.

"Ah, it seems a powerful being had woken up. This world is filled with many powerful and mysterious beings. We still got time before the next space distortion appears so let's go have a look." Bao Chen replied.

"Mmm… There seems to be a familiar presence there as well… It is hard to describe." Ah Chun couldn't understand why she felt the presence was familiar but she did.