Returning Home Part One

Ah Chun and Bao Chen entered the vortex and Ah Chun was suddenly hit with a very turbulent violent force. She knew if it was not for Boa Chen's protection she would be ripped apart. She instinctively tightened her grip on Bao Chen's hand. 

Bao Chen, felt Ah Chun's grip tighten and let out a chuckle. "Don't worry I won't let go of you. If I did our lives would more than likely be stuck in this universe. You have no idea just how important you are." 

Ah Chun slightly nodded as she looked worriedly at her surroundings. The whole space was pitch black and Ah Chun really wondered if Bao Chen knew which way to go. There was nothing but darkness around them. Ah Chun had no idea how Bao Chen was able to see in front of him. But she could tell that the path they were on was much calmer than the areas outside of it.