Returning Home Part Three

"Oh seems the forest has taken over this area well. At least mothers twin peaks are still around." Ah Chun looked down at the two peaks that were surrounded in an array. She was not sure if someone had come at some point to take the herbs from the two peaks but it seemed her worries were for not. The array was still perfectly intact and the herbs were growing quite well. 

"Why did you come here first instead of seeing your lover?" Bao Chen asked.

"This is my mother's home. I planned to let her stay here where she can relax. I will have to bother you to strengthen the array for me, Master." Ah Chun said with a bright smile. 

"Mmm… Won't be an issue I can guarantee that no one from any of the realms here on this world will be able to break in." Bao Chen let out a laugh. He had found it hard to reject anything his little disciple asked.