Meeting The One You Love

Ah Chun's eyes began to tear up as she heard the melodic, sweet, caring voice that she had longed to hear for so, so many years. She turned around and saw the familiar figure of a young man she had remembered and burst into tears. "Shen'er!" Her body flashed and before Ning Shen could even move he was already embraced by the woman he loved. Even when they had parted he never stopped longing for her. Before he even knew she was still alive he continued to search for her wherever he could. 

"Chun'er it has been a long time…" Ning Shen said warmly before he glanced over at the woman still standing there staring at him with a warm smile and nodded his head. "Aunty Mei it is good to know you are doing well." 

"You brat! You come and take away my mother-daughter moment!?" Mei Liling said with a smile. Tears rolling down her face. She was happy to know that this boy still loved her daughter.