True Joy of Fishing

Song Tian was surprised, he looked at the quest scroll, asked, "Bare handed fishing? Without martial art?"

Song Yi answered, "Yes, you have to use what the regular human body can do, master," she said.

Song Tian rubbed his temples, "Woah, there's no loopholes I can think of for this quest. Well, let's just go to the river and try it," he said as he walked toward the river.

Arrived at the river just right beside his gazebo, Song Tian looking at the fish swimming around. He took off his shoes and trying to walk closer carefully.

He takes several steps quietly to make sure the fish didn't notice him, and after he feels the fish lowered its guard, he tries to catch it.

Just as his arm almost grab it, the fish escaped. Song Tian smiled bitterly and starting to look for another fish.

Something suddenly struck his mind, Song Tian shook his head, "Even if I successfully grabbed the fish, there's no point if I don't have any container for it," he said, and he went back to his cabin.

Song Tian brought a bucket with him, he looked at the fish swimming back and forth in front of him as if it was saying, "Catch me if you can."

Song Tian gritted his teeth, he takes a deep breath to calm his mind.

Several moments later, he looked at the fish swimming pattern and memorizes them.

Song Tian looked at fish in front of him, "After it swims toward me. If the heads slightly move to the right side, it will swim on the opposite side. It applies to the left side too," he muttered.

Song Tian notices the fish is starting to swim toward him, he looked at the fish head to look at its movement.

When the fish started to move, it's head slightly to the left, Song Tian immediately tries to grabs at the opposite side, and the fish was caught.

The fish starting to move restlessly once it's on Song Tian's hands, trying to escape. He immediately put the fish on the bucket.

Song Tian wiped the sweat on his forehead, "Phew, it's quite hard," he said.

Song Yi giggled, "Now you got one, all you need is to catch 49 of them, and you're set, master," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, and he tries to look for another fish to complete his side quest.

At 6 PM, Song Tian already memorized the different patterns from different types of fish.

After he got the last fish and put it on the bucket, Song Yi voice could be heard, "Congratulation master for completing the Side Quest 3: True Joy of Fishing," she said.

The quest scroll appeared in front of Song Tian.

- Rewards: Basic Fishing Rod and Ability to Purchase The Basic Fishing Hook.

- (Claim Now).

Looking at the bucket full of fish in front of him, Song Tian grinned, "After so much trouble catching these fish. Can't wait to cook them up in my kitchen, hehe," he said.

Song Tian looked at his stats, and the EXP progress increased to (150/250).

Song Tian clicks the claim button on the quest scroll, and fishing rod appeared in front of him.

The fishing rod didn't look special, it seems the rod itself made from bamboo. It didn't have a reel attached to it.

The fishing line coiled around the rod and the hook attached to the bottom of the fishing rod, he pulled the hook and untwined the lines.

Song Tian looked closer at the tip of the rod, and he can see the small hole at the tip, and the fishing line seems to come from it. Song Tian tries to pull the fishing line, but it didn't move at all.

Song Tian asked, "Xiao Yi, there's a small hole at the tip, and the fishing line seems to come from it. Is there any function to it?" he said.

Song Yi answered, "You're correct. The moment you're casting it, the lines will be increased in length, enough to touch the surface of the water. For example, if you tried to cast it on a high bridge, the fishing line will start to increase its length until the fishing hook touches the surface of the water or when you try to cast it in a long distance ahead of you," she said.

Song Tian furrowed his brows, "But, how can I pull it out after casting from a distance? There's no reel attached to this," he said.

Song Yi laughed, "Don't worry master. After you pull it out, the fishing line will decrease the length of it back to the normal. As usual, the materials of the rod and lines are indestructible, but it's different when it comes to the hook," she said.

Song Yi continued, "There are different types of hook, from the system it's being categorized as Freshwater (Small and Big), Saltwater (Small and Big), Warmwater (Small and Big) and Coldwater (Small and Big). If you're trying to fish in the ocean with a freshwater hook, the hook will be destroyed. Also, if you're late to pull the fish out of the water, the hook has a 30% chance of breaking. Master, you can purchase the Basic Fishing Hook on the Farm Panel," she said.

Song Tian opened the [Farm Panel], and there's new Fishing Shop just beside the Upgrade section. Song Tian clicks the Fishing Shop to see what's inside.

There's only hook icon being highlighted where the rest of it is locked. Song Tian taps at the hook icon, and a list of fishing hooks appeared.


- Small = 10$ (Buy x1).

- Big = 20$ (Buy x1).


- Small = 30$ (Buy x1).

- Big = 60$ (Buy x1).


- Small = 25$ (Buy x1).

- Big = 50$ (Buy x1).


- Small = 25$ (Buy x1).

- Big = 50$ (Buy x1).

Song Tian looked at the list, gasped, "What do you mean by x1? Is that a set? Don't tell me it's only for one hook?" he exclaimed.

Song Yi gigged, "It's only for one hook, and it's already cheap, you know. The small and big hooks will change according to the size of the fish who's approaching it. Master, you have to try it for yourself to see the ability of it, hehe," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, "Forget it, I will try it later. Now I have to clean myself and going to Grandma Zhao's restaurant since I already promised with her," he said.

Song Tian went to the chicken coop to put the chickens back inside, and after that, he looked at the bucket full of fish, "Hmm, I will split it for my parent, grandparent and Grandma Zhao," he thought.

After separating the fish, Song Tian took a shower.

Several moments later, Song Tian picked the small bucket of fish on and went to Gao Zhao's restaurant.

Looking at the restaurant already closed, Song Tian knocks the door, "Grandma! Open the door!" he said.

Not long after, the Gao Zhao opened the door and looking at the small bucket of fish in Song Tian hand, "Xiao Tian, where do you get that fish from? There's a lot of it. Come inside," she said.

Song Tian handed the small bucket of fish to Gao Zhao, "Grandma, this is the fish I caught today. Since I got a lot of them, might as well give some of them to you," he said.

Gao Zhao took the small bucket, "There's a lot, 15 of them. Xiao Tian, do you like fishing that much?" she said.

Song Tian laughed, "I just started today. Trying to catch 50 of them barehanded without martial art. At first, it's hard, but it's slowly become easy as I memorized their swimming pattern," he said.

Gao Zhao surprised, "50 of them? It must be hard since you're not using martial art at all. Anyway, let me prepare the food first," she said and went to the kitchen.

After finished the dinner with Gao Zhao, Song Tian talked for a bit, and he left.

Song Tian put two small buckets on the back of his truck. After making sure the buckets are locked in place, he started the car.

Arrived at his parent's house, Song Tian handed the small buckets of fish to his parents and asked them to send it to his grandparent's house.

On the living room, Song Chen asked, "How is the farm going? Are you used to living in a cabin?" he said.

Song Tian smiled, "The farm is getting good, I'm waiting for the crops I planted to bear the fruits," he said.

Song Tian continued, "It's okay I guess, I will have to consider getting a cat and dog to accompany me in there," he said.

Zhu Mei looked at her son, "It's good that you're okay with it. You can move back to here if you ever find living there on your own is hard," she said.

Song Tian shook his head, "Don't worry mom, it's not really that hard. By the way, is Su Wen already contacting you?" he said.

Zhu Mei laughed, "Yes, I already designed her apartment. Moreover, I find out that she is my best friend's daughter, and your father knew her too," she said.

Song Chen heard that he knew the person too and asked, "Who are you talking about?" he said.

Zhu Mei laughed, "Do you remember the little girl who's always by my side and always provoking you when we're still fighting for territories back then?" she said.

Song Chen suddenly remembered something, his eyes twitched, "That little girl who always managed to trick my subordinates? That Xiao Yun brat had a daughter now?" he said.

Zhu Mei laughed, "Yes, she is. She even had two daughters. I was surprised to see her changes when we first met in the apartment," she said.

Song Tian already knew his parents past and surprised to hear that Su Wen is the daughter of his mother's best friend.

Song Tian went to play some games with Song Xia and Song Xue in the living room while talking with parents.

At 11 PM, Song Tian bid farewell to his parents and sisters.

Arrived at his cabin, Song Tian went straight to his bedroom and sleep.

Four days have been passed since Song Tian completed his fishing quest. Song Tian woke up early in the morning.

Song Tian went to the planted area immediately as he's always counting the day, and today is the day for Song Tian to harvest the strawberries.

Song Tian eagerly walked to the strawberry he planted and surprised to see there are a lot of large red colored fruits.

From the research Song Tian got through browsing several articles on the website, there's no way his strawberry would bear fruit more than 20 in each of tilled soils and the plant itself didn't look that big.

Song Yi's voice could be heard, "Master, remember, common sense doesn't apply with the system, and you also had to remember how much strawberry seeds you put into one round of tilled soil," she said.

Song Tian remembers that he put a lot of strawberry seeds in one round of tilled soil, he's basically putting a lot of it with the half cut bottle.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, "Now I remember, that's really a lot of seeds," he said.

Song Yi giggled, "Master, don't forget to check the stats of the strawberries," she said.

Song Tian looked at the stats of the strawberry in front of him.


- Name: Strawberry.

- Status: Ready to Harvest.

- Condition: Healthy.

- Fertilized: None.

- Watered: None

- Fruits: x50 (Normal Quality).

- Estimated Time: Waiting for fruits to be harvested first.

Song Tian surprised to see the total of 50 fruits in it, and he looked at other tilled soil and found all the strawberry he planted produces 50 fruits.

Song Tian also notices all the strawberries he planted are similar in size. All of them are considered large sized, almost two times larger than the size of a ping pong ball.

Song Tian asked, "If I put more seeds in one round of tilled soil, does that mean I can get more strawberries from it?" he said.

Song Yi giggled, "Hehe it's a secret, you have to try it for yourself master hehe," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, "Let's just water them first. I will harvest it later because I also have to think of what to do with the strawberries once it's harvested," he said.