Local Market

After finished watering all the crops he planted, Song Tian went to the chicken coop.

Song Tian opened the door and starting to fill the trough with chicken feeds, and he looked at the water tank beside the feeding trough to see if there's still enough of waters in it.

After making sure the water tank is filled, Song Tian began to collect the eggs and storing them inside the egg storage.

Song Tian looked at the eggs in the storage, grinned, "Wow, just for several days, and I already had 40 eggs. I can't wait to fill up this storage with a lot of eggs," he said.

Song Tian looked at the chicken to see the friendship stats increased, he picks one chicken and looked at the stats.


- Name: Chicken 4.

- Breed: Leghorn.

- Status: Healthy.

- Friendship: Acquaintance.

- Foods: Yes.

- Eggs: Yes. Will lay two eggs at every 00:01 AM.

- Increase Friendship Requirement: Feed it with something fresh.

Song Tian's eyes twitched, "Acquaintance? Really?" he exclaimed.

Song Tian sighed, "I guess I'll research it later, I need to think of what to do with the strawberries," he said.

Locking the chicken coop, Song Tian went to the living room, he sat on the couch and trying to figure out what to do with all of his strawberries.

Song Tian pondered, "I remember there's local market around 100 meters away from here if I go to the left from the farm entrance, I'll go ask around to see if I can sell them," he muttered.

Song Tian locked the door of his cabin and went to the local market nearby.

Arrived at the local market, he could see there are a lot of stalls, and it seems to be really organized. The market is clean and filled with a lot of people.

Song Tian looked at the Vegetables sign beside him, and he walked deeper, and he saw there are also Clothes, Meats, Tools, and other sections.

After walking for several meters, Song Tian could see the fruit section. There are a lot of stalls with fresh seasonal fruits on display.

Looking at the young man walking toward his stall, he smiled, "Please take a look at it, all the fruits here are fresh and just harvested today," he said.

Looking at the eager stall owner, Song Tian smiled embarrassingly, "Ah, I'm just asking if it's possible to sell my strawberries to you. It's read to pick straight from the crops," he said.

The stall owner face changed, his previous smiles disappeared as if it doesn't exist in the first place.

The stall owner sighed, "Sorry, our stock is already full. You're too late to sell it now. Next time, try to harvest it before the new year," he said.

Song Tian surprised to heard that he's already late to sell it on this early January, "I see, thank you for this information. I didn't know the ins and outs of it yet," he said.

Looking at the young man leaving, the stall owner sighed, "This kid is really beginner on this field, it's tough to find the buyer at this month," he muttered.

Song Tian sat on the bench, sighed, "I've been asking all the fruit stalls in here for almost an hour, but all of them already had their stock filled. Let's see if there's some buyer on the food and drink section," he said as he stood up and walked toward the food and drink section.

At the food and drink section, he could smell the delicious food which makes him hungry, "I forgot to have breakfast, I guess I'll eat here then," he said as he went to the small restaurant nearby.

Sat on the chair, Song Tian asked, "Boss, what's the spiciest food available here?" he said.

A man in his late thirties narrowed his eyes, "Spiciest? In this early morning? Young man, are you sure you want to order the spiciest food here?" he couldn't help but ask.

Other peoples who ate on the other side shook their heads, and the man chuckled, "Wow, that young man must be really new in here," he said.

The woman closing her mouth, trying to hold her laugh, "Shh... If Boss Lin were to heard what you said, you would be in trouble. That young man didn't even know what Boss Lin is known for," she said.

Song Tian can hear what the other people said, but he didn't mind it, he looked at the owner, "Yes, make it 3 portions. Oh, also 3 glass of ice coffee too," he said.

Boss Lin asked, "Are you sure?" he said.

Boss Lin looked at the young man smiled and nodding his head impatiently, "Fine, don't blame me if you can't handle it also pay me first just in case you decided to take your word backs," he said.

Song Tian laughed and handed the money immediately.

Boss Lin went to his kitchen to prepare the foods.

On the kitchen, a young woman looked curiously at Boss Lin who's been looking something at the container.

Picking the pepper from the box, Boss Lin laughed, "Found it! Hehe, let's see if that kid can handle the pepper I ordered from overseas," he said as he put the peppers on the cutting board.

Looked at the peppers Boss Lin about to cut, the young woman shocked, "Brother, who are you trying to torment this time?" she asked.

Boss Lin eyes twitched, "There's new kid ordered the spiciest food. As an honest citizen, of course, I have to give him what he wants," he said.

Boss Lin continued, "Xiao Hua, bring me some onions," he said.

The young woman name is Lin Hua, she's the younger sister of Boss Lin.

Several moments later, Boss Lin and Lin Hua delivered the foods Song Tian ordered.

Looking at the food in front of him, Song Tian immediately eats the foods.

Other people who've been here had been waiting for this moment, they couldn't wait to see the young man suffered.

Boss Lin and Lin Hua looked at the young man eating the foods.

Boss Lin shook his head, "Xiao Hua, prepares a lot of milk for this young man," he said.

Lin Hua immediately went to the fridge to get the bottles of milk.

The man on the other side was puzzled, "Strange, why is this young man still keep eating?" he said.

The woman beside the man nodded, "I know, right! Usually, people who ate the spiciest food here would be in panic in less than 20 seconds," she said.

The man looked at Boss Lin, "Boss, are you sure it's the spiciest food you serve? Why is that young man keep eating the foods?" he asked.

Boss Lin nodded, "It is, it's the new spiciest pepper I serve here," he said as he looked at the young man who kept eating the foods.

The man looked at Song Tian, "Boss, is it possible that you accidentally use the wrong pepper?" he said.

Boss Lin shook his head, "Impossible, let me get my wok I used on his food. There's still a bit left for me to try later on," he said and went to the kitchen to get the wok he used to cook the foods earlier.

After a few seconds, Boss Lin came back with his wok. There's still a little bit of food left for him to try.

Lin Hua scoops the food with a spoon as she's curious about it.

Boss Lin also brought some spoons to the man and woman on the other side, "Here, try it. Just one scoop, I also want to try it," he said as he handed the spoons to the man and woman in front of him.

The man and woman immediately scooped the food on the wok and put it straight to their mouths.

Not long after, the couple faces changed, as the sweats trickling from their back and their faces starting to become red.

The man stuck his tongue out while panting really hard, "Aaaah, it burns!" he said.

The woman drinks the tea in front of her, "Boss, hurry up, bring me a lot of milk!" she said.

Looking at the couples, Boss Lin shocked to see their reaction and yelled, "Xiao Hu, bring them some milk," he said.

Looking at the couple, Boss Lin furrowed his brows, "This couple usually can handle the previous spiciest food here, is this pepper really that spicy?" he thought.

Boss Lin didn't hear any response from his little sister, "Xiao Hua?" he said.

Boss Lin handed the milk he got for the young man earlier to the couple, and he went to the kitchen to see where's his little sister.

After he stepped into the kitchen area, Boss Lin saw Lin Hua sweating all over her face as she drank the milk.

Lin Hua glared at Boss Lin, yelled, "BROTHER! YOU! WHAT PEPPER IS THIS? AHHH!" she said as she walks around left and right panicking and drinking more milk while at it.

Boss Lin shocked to see even his little sister can't handle the spiciness of it.

He went outside to see the young man still eating the food as if there's no tomorrow.

Looking at the boss who just came out from the kitchen, Song Tian smiled, "Boss, this thing must be Carolina Reaper, right? I didn't expect it to be sold in here," he said as he scoops another food into his mouth.

The young man ate the food carelessly, which makes Boss Lin speechless.

Several seconds later, Boss Lin asked, "How do you know it's Carolina Reaper? I just got it yesterday after ordering them online," he said.

Song Tian laughed, "Back at my parent's house, my parents always order this as the spice for our foods. Sometimes I ate it raw if there's no snack to chew something at night," he said.

Boss Lian, the couple and Lin Hua who just came out of the kitchen area are shocked to hear what the young man said.

"No wonder this young man can eat it, carelessly," The couple couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Hua smiled bitterly, "What a freak, who uses that damned thing as a snack," she said.

Boss Lin never tried the Carolina Reaper ever since he ordered, "Is it really that spicy? You guys must be exaggerating it," he said as he scoops the food from the wok and eats it.

Not long after, Boss Lin face started to change, "Oh my lord, what the heck is this damned thing!" he thought, and he's started to drink the milk as he can't handle the spiciness of it.

At first, he felt hot on his tongue, and several seconds later, he felt his throat burning.

"Ahhhh, what did I just eat?" Boss Lin cursed and drinks more milk as his face already covered in sweat.

The couple whispered among themselves looking at Boss Lin, "Boss Lin can't handle it, this young man is such a freak."

Song Tian laughed as he looked at an amusing thing happening in this small restaurant.

Looking at Boss Lin which seems to be calmed down, Song Tian asked, "Boss, do you know anyone who needs strawberries? I got some and didn't find the buyer yet," he said.

Boss Lin surprised, "Why are you so late? Young man, at this month people already stocking all the strawberries," he said.

Song Tian smiled embarrassingly, "I didn't know anything about it, I just started the farm recently," he said.

Boss Lin sighed, "No wonder, let me ask if there's someone who needs them. You need to make sure the quality at least bearable to the market," he said.

Song Tian smiled, "Don't worry boss, I guarantee that it's at least bearable quality. We can even go to my farm to pick it right now," he said.

Boss Lin looked at the young man seems to be confident, chuckled, "Hoho, we'll see," he said.

Boss Lin looked at the couple, "Find if there's anyone who needs strawberries on this section," he said.

The couple nodded their heads and immediately set off.

Song Tian looked at the couple left and asked, "Your worker? Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Song Tian. Boss, you can call me Xiao Tian. Thank you for your help boss," He said as he's already grateful for Boss Lin effort to help him.

Boss Lin laughed, "My name is Lin Qiang, you can just call me Brother Lin, Boss Lin, or whatever you want as long as it's not Uncle Lin! Anyway, where's your farm?" he said.

Song Tian laughed, "It's just 100 meters away from here, I just move to this area and started my small farm recently," he said.

After Song Tian and Boss Lin talked for several minutes, the couple already backs bringing one more person.

The man looked at Lin Qiang, "Boss, Old Tang need the strawberries for his shop, and his son seems to need some strawberries too," he said.

Lin Qiang nodded, he looked at Song Tian, "Xiao Tian, you talk with him," he said.

Song Tian cups his hands, "Thank you, Brother Lin, I will come here often hehe," he said.

Song Tian looked at the Old Tang, smiled, "Sir, how much do you need? We can come to my farm, it's nearby so we can just walk there to see the strawberries," he said.

Old Tang who just came nodded, and he's following Song Tian to the farm. While on the road, Song Tian and Old Tang got to know each other.

Old Tang name is Tang Fu, and he owns juice and ice cream shop in the local market.

Song Tian also found out that Tang Fu's son just starting his own cafe with his daughter-in-law.

Arrived at the farm, Song Tian led Tang Fu to the planted area.

Tang Fu looked at the planted crops, he noticed there's also cabbages which almost ripened.

In front of him, he saw the strawberry plants, but the plant was too little, so he pointed at the planted crops and asked, "Xiao Tian, are you sure you there are 1500 strawberries in those plants? They're too few," he said.

Song Tian smiled, "Don't worry, it's definitely enough. Uncle Tang, take a closer look at the plant, and you'll see," he said.

Tang Fu walked closer and looked at it curiously, he's shocked to see that there are a lot of fruits in one plant.

Tang Fu starting to inspect the fruits, "Even the size is the same, and all of them are large sized. The leaves are green, and each of them is really plump. There's no mold, and the color is really bright," he thought.

Tang Fu was puzzled to see the exact same amount of fruits in each plant, "Xiao Tian, each tilled soil had 50 of them, and it's really fresh. What kind of strawberry is this?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song Tian laughed, "It's a new variant and family secret. Uncle Tang, how is it? It's definitely meet your standards, right?" he said.

Tang Fu laughed, "Family Secret? Fine, I'll let that off. Yes, wait for me to call my son to pick the strawberries," he said and took out his phone.

Song Tian asked Song Yi through his mind, "Xiao Yi, it's okay to let them pick the strawberries, right?" he said.

Song Yi answered, "Yes, master. Since it's already within your consent," she said.

Song Tian relieved, "Great, I thought there would be complicated stuff," he said.

Song Yi laughed, "Why being complicated when it's such a hassle," she said.

Song Tian eyes twitched, "Then, can you make the gate material not so complicated?" he said as he's been concerned about the material for the gate since it requires him the whole trees.

Song Yi giggled, "That's different from this plant, hehe," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, and not long after, Tang Fu's Son already arrived at the farm with his car.

"Xiao Tian, this is my son Tang Xun. Xiao Xun, this is Song Tian owner of this farm," Tang Fu introduces Song Tian to his son.

After shaking their hands, they're starting to talk and Tang Xun beginning to inspect the strawberries.

Several minutes later, Tang Fu and Tang Xun started to harvest the strawberries with the help of Song Tian.

After putting the strawberries in the back of Tang Xun's car, Tang Xun immediately pay and bid their farewell.

Watching the car leaves, Song Tian relieved that he finally got the buyer.

He asked, "Xiao Yi, is it okay to leave some strawberries here? Since there are still 1000 left, I doubt my fridge can handle it unless I bought a bigger one," he said.

Song Yi answered, "It's okay, but it will attract some pest. Since the fence only protects from the bigger animal, the smaller ones can still get away with it such as insect, rat, bird, and other pests," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, "Damn, I almost forgot about those things," he said.

But Song Tian suddenly got an idea and said, "Oh, I can just invite my family and friends to pick them," he said.

Song Yi giggled, "Yes, you can also do it that way. Master, you need to make it as fast as possible. Even though the tilled soil from the system tool can prevent them from rotting, it can't prevent them from pest. The longer it stayed on its plant, the more it attracted the pests," she said.

Song Tian nodded, "Yes, I will make it today if it's possible. Also, why do my strawberries seem heavier than normal ones? I looked at the website and found it usually takes more than that," he said.

10 of his strawberries already had 1kg weight, and he sold 150 kg of it at $2/kg. Thus, he got a total of $300.

Song Yi answered, "Master, you always forgot that the common sense of this world doesn't apply to the system. Also, the strawberries in this farm have much more density and larger than any strawberries that considered large in this world," she said.

Song Tian shook his head, "Forget it, it's too much for my brain to process. I need to clean myself and going to invite my family and friends to pick strawberries," he said and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Song Tian took his phone and started to invites people to his farm.