Destroying the Wither Seed

Arrived at the Trisia Forest, Gorwin's face changed, "It's already germinating," he said.

Song Tian surprised, "You found the Wither Seed? Where is it?" he couldn't help but ask.

Gorwin pointed toward the location, "Over there, I'm going first," he said as he started to disappear.

Song Tian started to run quickly toward the location.

Not long after, Song Tian startled to see the area in front of him. All the trees around the area withered, and some of them starting to crumble.

Song Tian also saw several corpses of wild animals in the ground.

"Song Tian, here."

Song Tian turned around and saw Gorwin waved at him.

Song Tian looked at the huge seeds beside Gorwin, filled with a lot of holes. Black smoke is coming out from the holes.

Song Tian asked, "How do we destroy this thing?" he said.

Gorwin shook his head, "I can't destroy it with my power, the Wither Seed already germinating," he said.

Song Tian pondered, "Can mythic rank destroy this?" he asked.

Song Tian plan to ask Robert Berg, since Robert Berg's place is nearby.

Gorwin replied, "I'm also mythic rank," he said.

Gorwin continued, "All we can do is to move this seed to somewhere," he said.

Song Tian didn't get convinced, he tried to attack the seed but found the seed is unharmed.

Song Tian gritted his teeth, he started to use the law of destruction, but it didn't affect the seed even for a little bit.

Gorwin felt something and surprised, "Wait, did you just use the law of destruction?" he asked.

Song Tian nodded, "Yeah, but it's not working," he said.

Gorwin stomped, creating a small crater surrounding the Wither Seed and reveals the roots of it.

Song Tian gasped, "How come the germinating seed has roots on it?" he exclaimed.

Gorwin shook his head, "Who knows, it's always been like this. Try to use the law of destruction on the roots, that's the weakest part of the seed," he said.

Song Tian nodded, he looked at the roots as he tried to destroy it.

As Song Tian keep trying to use the law of destruction, it only causing small damage to the roots.

One hour has been passed, and Song Tian only managed to destroy two roots.

Song Tian gritted his teeth, "2% mastery of the law of destruction only can damage it this far?" he muttered.

During the destroying process, Song Tian also asks Gorwin to attack it but found Gorwin attack didn't affect the roots.

Song Tian reaches his dimensional room, but surprised to found there's no blueberry left, "Crap, I already ran out mana supply," he said.

"Drink this, it will regenerate your mana continuously for one hour," Gorwin said as he throws a bottle to Song Tian.

Song Tian immediately drank the bottle without asking what the liquid is. He started to focus on trying to destroy the roots again.

As Song Tian started to use his law of destruction, the Wither Seed began to enveloped by a gray light.

Gorwin's face changed, "The Wither Seed is going to grow into the next stage," he said.

Gorwin immediately appeared behind Song Tian, he put both of his palms on Song Tian's back, "Keep going, I will make a barrier for you," he said.

Song Tian surprised, "What do you mean?" he said.

Gorwin answered, "The Wither Seed already in the next stage, if I'm not making a barrier, your body will also start to wither," he said.

Several moments later, Song Tian started to notice the barrier around him began to weaken.

Song Tian asked, "Are you okay?" he said.

Gorwin answered, "I am, keep going," he said.

Song Tian furrowed his brows as he noticed the weak voice behind him. He turned back to look at Gorwin's condition.

Gorwin's pale face could be seen. Song Tian already gave him some food from his spiritual crops, but it only helps Gorwin slightly.

Song Tian saw Gorwin's right hand already withered.

Gorwin started to fall on his knees, "Don't mind me, keep going. The wither only affect my body," he said.

Song Tian hearing that started to panic, "Stop using your barrier on me," he said.

Gorwin shook his head, "Your body will wither right away if I do that," he said.

Song Tian gritted his teeth, "Think about your own safety first, your body is affected by it," he said.

Gorwin replied, "Don't mind me, the celestial spirit can regenerate their body. You don't have to worry about me," he said.

Song Tian didn't buy what Gorwin said, he started to think a way to quickly destroy the Wither Seed.

The mana recovery effect from items he got from Gorwin only had five minutes left before running out.

Not long after, Song Tian looked at the Whiter Seed, "Let's see if it's work," he muttered.

Song Tian started to focus his entire qi into his eyes, and his vision started to become red.

Song Tian started to use his law of destruction on the roots with the technique his father gave him.

The law of destruction becomes more effective as the root quickly damaged.

Song Tian looked at destroyed root, "Still not enough. I wonder if I can release another force," he muttered as he tried to focus his qi into his eyes again.

Gorwin startled as he suddenly felt an oppressive aura, "Don't tell me..." he thought as he focused his eyes on Song Tian.

Gorwin's face changed as Song Tian's long hair turned red, "You..." he exclaimed.


The Wither Seed exploded, and Song Tian started to lose his consciousness.

Gorwin tried to move his weakened body to help Song Tian, and suddenly a golden-colored gate appeared.

When Gorwin saw who the person is, he immediately straightened his back. Just as he's about to kneel, a gentle force prevents him from doing that.

"Little celestial spirit is stiff as usual, huh."

"That's right! Your ancestor isn't as stiff as you, relax."

A black-haired man could be seen along with a red-haired woman.

As the black-haired man stepped into the ground, the withered plant, trees, and animal corpses in the surrounding area enveloped by a golden light and immediately revived.

Gorwin's withered hand also recovered, and his state is returned to its peak.

The red-haired woman gently pats Song Tian's head, "Forcing his way to break the second seal without awakening, what a reckless child," she said.

The black-haired man nodded, "This recklessness must be coming from your bloodline, Vaeri," he said.

Vaeri smiled as she looked at the black-haired man, "I wonder about that," she said.

The black-haired man coughed, "Anyway, he's already safe. It's time for us to go," he said.

Vaeri glared at the black-haired man angrily, "Song! What kind of ancestor are you? I want to spend a little time with my descendant," she said.

Gorwin suddenly felt an oppressive aura, but soon it disappeared.

Song sighed, "Vaeri, control your temper. Look, this kid even affected," he said as he looked at Gorwin.

Sensing the glance from the Vaeri, Gorwin couldn't help but shiver, "It's fine," he said.

Vaeri grinned, she turned around and taps her finger at Song Tian's forehead.

Song's face changed, "What are you going to do?" he couldn't help but ask.

Vaeri answered, "I want to increase his mastery for the law of destruction," she said.

Song shook his head, "There's no need for that, he already breaks my second seal. His insight will improve dramatically," he said.

Vaeri snorted, "At least let me transfer him a correct method to use my innate ability," she said.

Vaeri continued, "You're also his ancestor, yet you don't allow our descendant to use your innate ability. What kind of ancestor are you?" she said.

Song sighed, "Song Tian is still young," he said.

Vaeri replied, "He is, but Song Tian's bloodline is purer than Little Song," she said.

Song shook his head, "Song Tian can't handle it, just wait a little bit longer. Listen to your husband for once!" he said solemnly.

Vaeri gritted her teeth, "Tch, fine," she said.

Gorwin, who's hearing their conversation, puzzled, "Pardon my rudeness, Song Tian is a normal human, right? Why both of you are talking about him as if he's your descendant?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song smiled, "That's because my son, Little Song, is married to a normal human," he said.

Song continued, "Song Tian is my fifth-generation descendant," he said.

Gorwin startled. Before he says anything, Song stopped him.

Song smiled, "I know what you want to ask, but Song Tian isn't ready for that," he said.

Song continued, "At first, I'm planning for my son, Little Song, to do that. But I didn't expect Song Tian's bloodline is purer than him," he said.

Vaeri sighed, "Even if we make Little Song do that, it's useless. Little Song is currently with his wife, wandering around somewhere to satisfy his curiosity on the martial art," she said.

Gorwin asked, "Isn't it faster if both of you elevate Song Tian's strength?" he said.

Song shook his head, "I don't want him to gain a sudden strength without any experience. I want Song Tian to know that there are always consequences lies within strength," he said.

Song continued, "Like today, he recklessly broke my second seal and almost died. Fortunately, he succeeds," he said.

Vaeri retorted, "That's because you didn't teach your descendant about your seal," she said.

Song coughed, "But Song Tian just learned today from you, right? Anyway, it's time to go back," he said.

Song looked at Gorwin, smiled, "Don't tell Song Tian about my wife and me. Let him find it out by himself," he said.

Vaeri glanced at Gorwin, "If I found out you're telling my descendant about this, hehe," she said.

Vaeri continued, "Also, since Song Tian just reached the cultivation stage after breaking my husband's second seal, teach him some basic," she said.

Looking at the terrifying red eyes, Gorwin shivered, "Please rest assured, I will ensure Song Tian learns the basic," he said.

Looking at the couple disappeared through the gate, Gorwin sighed in relief.

Gorwin picked Song Tian, who's still unconscious, and teleported back to Song Tian's farm.