Correct Way of the Technique

Song Tian woke up and found himself in his bed. He looked around and saw everyone was looking at him worriedly.

Song Tian looked at Gorwin, "Eh, what happened to me? How about the Wither Seed? I forgot to milk my cows," he said as it's already 8 PM.

Gorwin answered, "You already destroy the Wither Seed, are you okay?" he asked.

Claudia Lawrence replied, "Boss, Tamiko already milk the cows," she said.

Song Tian smiled apologetically, "Sorry for the trouble," he said.

Wang Hai and others also ask his condition.

Song Tian looked at everyone, "I'm fine, thank you and sorry for making all of you worried," he said.

Yoshida Kenji sighed in relief, "Still, to think you suddenly got unconscious like that," he said.

Wang Hai looked at Gorwin, "Based on what you told us earlier when Song Tian's strength suddenly increased, does his hair turned red?" he asked.

Gorwin surprised, "He is, although I don't know why," he said.

Wang Hai, Song Xia, and Yoshida Kenji startled.

Song Xia's face became pale, "Don't tell me," she said.

Before Song Xia continues to say something, Yoshida Kenji stopped her.

Song Tian asked, "Kenji, is it the same condition as back then?" he said.

Looking at his best friend asking him seriously, Yoshida Kenji sighed, "It is," he said.

Su Wen asked, "What condition?" she said.

Wang Hai answered, "It's fine, there's nothing to worry about," he said.

Su Wen glared at Wang Hai, and she turned to Song Tian, "I want to know about it," she said.

Song Tian smiled, "Just tell her," he said.

Song Tian continued, "I believe all the people here are trusted, so I'm fine with it," he said.

Gorwin cursed in his mind, "Of course we are, otherwise, your ancestor will kill me and others," he thought.

Wang Hai looked at Yoshida Kenji, "You tell her," he said.

Yoshida Kenji nodded, he looked at Su Wen, "Have you heard about the criminal attack at Central Mall of Archaine?" he asked.

Su Wen nodded, "I am, I also heard Song Tian, Wang Hai, and you are getting caught as hostages," she said.

Su Wen continued, "But those criminals are died in Song Tian's hands, right? It's also his first time killing someone. That's also the reason Song Tian stopped participating in Martial Arts tournament," she said.

Yoshida Kenji surprised, "How did you know about that?" he couldn't help but ask.

Su Wen answered, "My mother told me," she said.

Yoshida Kenji puzzled. Wang Hai laughed, "Su Wen's mother is Aunty Mei's right hand," he said.

Yoshida Kenji surprised, "No wonder," he said.

Yoshida Kenji continued, "All those criminals already at the cultivation stage," he said.

Su Wen surprised, "Cultivation stage? How come Song Tian can lay his hands on them?" she asked.

Yoshida Kenji shook his head, "I don't know. But when the criminal shot Wang Hai and me with a gun, Song Tian's suddenly snapped. His hair turned red and went on a rampage," he said.

Yoshida Kenji continued, "Even I'm really surprised witnessing what happened to my brother," he said.

Su Wen asked, "His hair turned red? Wait, I've also seen his pupils change its shapes," she said.

Su Wen remembered back then when a group of people attempting to rob Song Tian and her.

Wang Hai shook his head, "Those are normal as he can still somehow control his temper with those eyes," he said.

Wang Hai continued, "Uncle Chen told us that once my brother's eyes turned like that, it's only showing a sign of anger," he said.

Gorwin, shook his head, "Although emotion also affects his eyes, most of it is because the eyes are showing the sign of his bloodline," he thought.

Gorwin really wants to tell them the truth, but when he remembered what Vaeri told him, he couldn't help but shiver.

Su Wen pondered, "So, when Song Tian's hair turned red, he can't really control his temper anymore, huh," she said.

Su Wen looked at Song Xia, "Xiao Xia, does this also happen to you?" she asked.

Song Xia shook her head, "No, I only know about our pupils can change shapes," she said.

Song Xia continued, "Back then, I also happened to see my own pupils change it shapes in the mirror," she said.

Zelip, who's hearing that, interjected, "That characteristic seems familiar," he said, which makes Gorwin panicked.

Zelip continued, "Maybe it's just a coincidence," he said.

Gorwin sighed in relief, he thought Zelip is going to spill the truth.

Song Yi giggled, "Master, check your stats," she said.

Song Tian asked, "Why?" he said.

Song Yi answered, "Just check it, and you'll see," she said.

Song Tian opened his interface and looked at his stats.

- Name: Song Tian [Level 4].

- HP: 200.000/200.000.

- MP: 150.000/150.000.

- Strength: Level 90.

- Endurance: Level 100.

- Agility: Level 85.

- Mental Strength: Level 60.

- Equipment: Intermediate Tools.

- Ability: Dairy Stats, Poultry Stats, Crop Stats, Fish Stats... Click to see more.

- EXP [850/5000].

Song Tian's eyes widened, "This... What happened?" he couldn't help but ask.

Gorwin answered, "You already in the middle of the cultivation stage," he said.

Song Tian startled, "Me? Cultivation stage? How?" he said.

Gorwin answered, "It's related to your sudden increase of strength when destroying the Wither Seed. Do you remember what you do when you're in that state?" he asked.

Song Tian nodded, "I am. Is it because I'm trying to release some restraining force in my body?" he asked.

Gorwin nodded, "Yeah, it's because of that. Although I don't know what exactly happening to you, I can say for sure your breakthrough is related to that," he said.

Song Tian pondered, "Hmm, now I think about it. I found my father's technique is kinda rough. Also, it's not a force, it's a seal," he said.

Somehow, Song Tian found a correct way to release the restraining force inside his body.

It just happened to be in his mind, and Song Tian didn't know the reason for it.

Inside his body, Song Tian found one hundred seals, and he already broke two of them.

Song Tian looked at everyone, "Let me test something," he said.

Wang Hai asked, "What are you gonna do? Just stay here and rest," he said.

Song Tian grinned, "I found a way to correctly use some technique," he said as he went to his dimensional room.

Song Yi's voice suddenly rang in Song Tian's mind, "Master, everyone is asking where did you disappear," she said.

Song Tian smiled, "Can you bring them to my dimensional room?" he said.

Song Yi replied, "Okay," she said.

Not long after, everyone teleported to Song Tian's dimensional room.

Song Tian grinned as he immediately tried to use the technique.

Suddenly, everyone felt an oppressive aura. Song Tian's body started to glow as it's being enveloped by a red light.

Everyone saw Song Tian's hair turned red.

All of them saw Song Tian's sclera, the white part of the eyes turned completely black.

The golden iris Song Tian had before already turned entirely red.

Looking at Song Tian, everyone couldn't help but startled.

Even Gorwin, who's already at Mythic rank, also feel an oppressive aura coming from Song Tian.

Yoshida Kenji looked at Song Tian worriedly, "Brother, you're not going on rampage again, aren't you?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song Tian laughed, "Of course not, I don't feel any uncontrollable desire again. In fact, I feel really good in this form," he said.

Song Xia, Wang Hai, and Yoshida Kenji sighed in relief after hearing that.

Song Xia asked, "Brother, how long can you stay in that form?" she said.

Song Tian shook his head, "I don't know, I need to test it now," he said as he punched the mannequin.


Everyone saw mannequin disintegrated and then reverted back to normal quickly.

[Law of Destruction: 2.5%].

Song Tian surprised. He didn't expect his normal punch turned out to be that destructive.

Song Tian transformed back into his normal form to confirm if it's not just because he already reached the cultivation stage.

Song Tian went to punch the mannequin again. This time, the mannequin didn't get destroyed, and his attack didn't get counted by the mannequin.

Song Tian pondered, "When I'm on the red form, I don't even apply the law of destruction, but it's still counting my normal punch," he muttered.

Song Tian wondered why he can transform and how seals ended up in his body.

"Don't tell me there's a nine-tailed fox demon sealed inside me," Song Tian thought.

Song Tian shook his head as there's no way there's a fox demon sealed inside his body, that would be too similar to one of the manga he read in his free times.

Song Xia asked, "Brother, what's that technique called? Can you teach me?" she said.

Song Tian smiled, "I don't know the name of it. I will teach you, but wait for me to see if there's a side effect or something with this technique," he said.

Zelip and Song Yi were about to say something, but Gorwin stopped them.

Gorwin's voice suddenly rang in Zelip and Song Yi's minds, "Keep quiet both of you, his ancestor told me not to tell the truth," he said.

Zelip and Song Yi nodded their heads.

Song Tian and everyone went to the local market to bring Song Yi, Zelip, and Gorwin to try some street food.

Gorwin also handed the member cards to peoples who haven't obtained it yet.

As most of them already left, Song Tian went to his dimensional room with Gorwin to learn about the basics of the cultivation stage.