
Hey guys, before you hop in this story, I would like to inform you that our main character is a bisexual and may have a few mental illnesses. Please do not dislike the story because of this, and this book will be a little bit sexual. There is a bit of romance but I'm not entirely sure if I chose to make it sexual.

In this story, there are Eastern and Western. They are all different species of a human but some may have wolf ears and tails, and beast people that are called Faunus will be another species. There are a few species that are like elves but their ears are much shorter and their skin is a sickly pale color but not as pale as a pureblood elf. That all I will say for now.

Please note that RWK will come back but not now, it will be back during mid-summer most likely and if not then I probably have forgotten it.