Memory Is The Key

Long ago, in a forest deep surrounded with vines and rotting trunks stood a vile beast. A beast that all have feared as it was created by a god none other than Loki, the god of tricks. This vile beast was feared when it forced itself to be exiled from its home, it decided to hide away from civilization as it knew that Odin would use the mortal to hunt the beast down. If only the beast met its savior before she died protecting the beast.

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One dark evening where the stars shined dimly and the moon barely visible, there stood a a girl that had ears like a wolf and a tail the swayed to get a sense of her surrounding, standing on top of a rock. She heard a stick not cracking, more like meant to be cracked.

The strange girl turned around as she dilated her bright crimson eyes to see farther in the forest, she owns everything in this forest, at least that what she keeps telling herself. The girl jumped down as she started to follow the new scent in her forest, she has lost what year it had been for her but she knows that she isn't in the wrong place.

The strange girl started to see a bright sunny light as she started to understand that there was someone else in her forest, she didn't know if this mortal would try to take her home but she wouldn't allow such being to destroy her home.

"Why do you stalk me?" spoke a light soft voice, the strange girl's ears stood straight up as she slowly moved closer to the light. She barely revealed her body much less her face.

"Do you not trust humans?" the light voice asked another question.

"I wouldn't say that I don't trust humans, I would just say that...I didn't have a chance in this world," the strange girl's voice rumbled with a small bit of sweet and gentleness.

"Ah, so you do speak," spoke the light voice. The strange girl could see the shadow of an armored person slowly rising, the shadow stood still like a tree.

"Please, show your face or at least let me know that I can tell that you're facing me," the armored person pleased.

With a small bit of hesitation, the girl moved to get a better view of this armored person. To her surprise, there was barely any metal plating or even a fur coat. The person was simply wearing dark navy jeans with a plain black shirt with a drawing of a snow wolf, howling at the lunar moon. They were wearing a wolf mask as it covered the person's face, only could she see the dark red eyes that glowed.

"Who are you?" the strange girl asked as she became more defensive.

"Listen to me, my old friend," spoke the person. "You're not in a world where you used to be hunted, you may not remember but this was part of your time once. Memory is the key to find what you were."