Beacon Academy

Celestia arrived at a path that led to the entrance of Beacon's main building, she observed the people that were passing by her and Luna. Luna was still jittery but she was able to calm down a bit, she smiled at Celestia as she started to move more towards the entrance.

"Sis, what do you think they will expect from us?" Luna asked as she walked beside Celestia's side.

"Anything really," Celestia said calmly. "Well, they probably will assign us to teams of four or five."

"Why teams?" Luna inquired.

"Because people can't kill a Grim that could be stronger than themselves," Celestia explained as she opened the main building's door for Luna, she went in after Luna as she was amazed by the scenery inside.

It was as if they entered a mansion, there were pure quarters pillars and silver shiny beams around the ceiling. There was a staircase that went to the upstairs level as there was a massive group of students all facing towards a person that was holding a microphone, the person was a woman wearing a dress white shirt with black tight pants. Simple glass with thin end pieces connecting to the woman's ears.

"Welcome students, my name is Professor Vic," the woman introduced herself. "I am so glad that you have applied to Beacon Academy as here you will learn how to become hunters and huntresses."

"We will assign you to teams in a week as we don't have enough for students just yet. There are activities for you to do while in wait, there is even a tournament that you can participate to be able to access the higher level that only teachers and outrageous students are allowed," Professor Vic said.

There were murmurs in the crowd as some of them were interested in the tournament. Celestia could see the glee in some of the students' eyes as they couldn't wait to show off their abilities, she turned to her sister as she whispered something in her ears.

"Are you planning to participate as well?"

Luna shook her head as she turned to look deep inside of Celestia's bright crimson eyes, she smiled before shifting her attention back to Professor Vic. Celestia smiled slightly as she shifted her attention back to Professor Vic.

"Please note that participating in this tournament should not mean that the loser should be bullied. If there are any signs of bullying a student, you will, and I mean you WILL get suspended or even worse," Professor Vic sternly, she wasn't gonna have the same accident that she had a two years ago.

Celestia could sense a small bit of remorse inside of the professor's body: 'Something must have had happened here. Maybe I should research this academy more,' Celestia thought to herself as Professor Vic dismissed them to their own accord.

There were bodyguards at the exits dressed in pure white with streaks of bloody red and standard-issue assault rifles. They offered to take the students' luggage as they exited the main building. A group of students started to make a crowd around the stage that Professor Vic was standing on, asking questions about the tournament and where they could sign up.

Celestia moved away from the crowd as she headed out of the main entrance, Luna followed behind as her tail swayed side to side. She was in a peaceful mood with no sense of negativity, Celestia couldn't help but give Luna a hug.

"Where should we go?" Luna inquired. "There's a lot of places to go and see."

"I noticed that there was a nice view of a waterfall near the docks so I'm heading there if you want to join," Celestia spoke calmly as she started to head over to the docks, Luna kindly declined as she headed towards the library, she wanted to see all the books that Beacon must have collected over their years.

They went their separate ways as they usually do, it was common but something wasn't right to Celestia but she couldn't put her senses on it. What is this place containing?